What Should Be Avoided After Getting Botox? 

It’s been said that BOTOX® results are only as good as the injector administering them, and while that is true, the patient also plays a part in the treatment outcome. While there is no downtime after this treatment, there are some specific aftercare directives that you must follow after getting BOTOX® to ensure the best results. 

What Should You Avoid After Getting BOTOX®? 

One of the benefits of undergoing treatment with this anti-aging injectable is that the treatment process is quick, virtually painless, and can be scheduled during your lunch hour. Additionally, you won’t have to plan around downtime and can resume most of your normal daily activities once your appointment is over. However, that doesn’t mean you’re free and clear to return to all your normal activities. Even after undergoing treatment by the best injector, you can negatively affect your results simply by not following the necessary post-treatment protocol. You will need to follow some aftercare instructions to ensure that you achieve the best possible outcome and don’t interfere with your treatment results. You can learn more about BOTOX® at www.hollydayspa.com and contact experts who will explain how you should care for the treatment sites after your appointment. 

Temporarily Avoid Strenuous Workouts 

If you plan to work out on the day of your treatment, you must do so before your scheduled appointment. Then, once your treatment is over, you must avoid strenuous workouts for 24 hours. That doesn’t mean you can’t walk or engage in light activities, but you shouldn’t do anything strenuous that will significantly increase your heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.

Avoid Putting Pressure on the Treatment Areas 

It’s also important that after getting BOTOX®, you avoid putting any pressure on the injection sites. This means you’ll have to use caution when washing your face to be sure you don’t scrub your skin too aggressively, as doing so could interfere with your results. Don’t schedule any facial massages for the day of or after your treatment, but instead, ask your provider when you are clear to schedule additional cosmetic treatments. 

Avoid Anything That Increases Your Body Temperature 

While working out should be avoided for 24 hours post-treatment to avoid increasing your body temperature, that’s not the only thing you should avoid. It’s important that you avoid increasing your body temperature in general, which includes attending a hot yoga session, using a sauna or steam room, or going in the hot tub. Even a long, hot shower or cooking over a hot stove could interfere with your results, so it’s important that you avoid these activities and environments for the first 24 hours or as directed by your injector. 

Avoid Lying Down for Several Hours After Your Treatment 

It’s also important that you avoid lying down after your treatment. You will need to keep your head elevated for several hours to ensure that the active ingredients remain exactly where they are injected. They will begin relaxing the muscles, but lying down could interfere with the product’s ability to begin working as designed. It’s important to keep your head elevated to avoid product migration. Something as simple as bending down to tie shoes or look under a bed after your appointment could cause product migration. So long as you keep your head elevated, you can avoid migration to ensure optimal results. 

Avoid Anti-Inflammatory Medications and Supplements 

You will be directed to temporarily discontinue using blood-thinning supplements and medications before your treatment, but you’ll also need to avoid them for at least 24 hours post-treatment. Blood-thinning supplements and medications include anti-inflammatories, like aspirin and ibuprofen, and supplements like vitamin E, fish oil, St. John’s Wart, and others. Your injector will give you details about how and when you can resume using these supplements and medication treatment. 

Avoid Happy Hour 

Whether you have a special event coming up, partake in regular corporate happy hour events, or plan on getting together with friends the day of or following your appointment, you must plan your BOTOX® treatment accordingly. You should avoid alcohol consumption for the first 24 hours before your treatment and the day following. This will help ensure the best results, so be sure to plan your treatment for a time when you can temporarily refrain from alcohol consumption. BOTOX® is an effective anti-aging injectable that can help reduce the signs of aging on the upper half of the face, so if you’re struggling with expression lines, this product may be the perfect solution. When you trust your face to an expert injector skilled and administering this neuromodulator and are committed to following each of the aftercare instructions, you can ensure beautiful and natural-looking results post-treatment.

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