6 Tips to Take Care of Your Company Car

Most businesses have commercial vehicles. Whether your company focuses on driving or you just have business vehicles, taking proper care of them is a must. Not only that doing so can save you money but it can also build a reputation as a good employer. With that said, let’s take a look at six tips for taking care of your company car.

Add safety features

You can never do too much when it comes to road safety. This is why adding safety features to your company car makes a lot of sense. But besides keeping you safe on the road, these features can help your business save money. Let’s say you’ve installed a dashboard camera in your company car. In case of an accident, the camera might help you get your insurance money with ease. Other safety features such as parking sensors can save you thousands on visits to the local mechanic. If you’re running a fleet, this feature will protect all your vehicles from bumps.

Keep your vehicles well-maintained

Whether you have one or more cars in your company, maintaining them is imperative. All commercial vehicles should be serviced at least once a year or after 10,000km. However, looking into the hood more often is recommended. The earlier you detect any problems, the less your business will have to spend on getting everything fixed. Not to mention that no one should be on the road in an unsafe vehicle. Keeping your company car well-maintained isn’t tough but if you have a fleet, you’ll most likely need an employee who can do this for you. Using a fleet management tool can make keeping track of repairs much easier.

Insure all vehicles

Operating a fleet comes with all sorts of risks. Your drivers spend a lot of time on the road and there’s always a chance of some of your cars getting damaged. This is why it’s important to insure all cars in your fleet and protect your business. Insurance companies such as MyChoice will help you check the best deals from multiple insurance providers. Insurance is equally important even if you only have one company car. The most important thing to do is to identify the company that can provide you with the best car insurance you can get. Once the vehicle is insured, you’ll also feel more relaxed while on the road in your company vehicle.

Get the drivers involved

The easiest way to make sure your cars are working properly is to drive carefully. When running a fleet, it’s impossible to stay in control of the way your vehicles are driven. However, what you can do is make sure everyone in your company is extra careful on the road. This includes breaking slowly and cornering as gently as possible. Also, getting your drivers to stick to speed limits can do wonders for your vehicles. It keeps your drivers safe and you don’t have to worry about any of them getting a ticker. If necessary, have your team members take a refresher course before you entrust them with a car.

Keep them clean

This one may seem obvious but it simply had to find its way into this list. There are two big reasons why you should have your cars clean. The first is that your fleet also serves as a mobile billboard. In other words, when someone sees that you take proper care of your cars, they’ll take your business more seriously. Clean cars make stronger impressions, especially in industries that require you to pick up clients before meetings. Company cars should also be kept clean to make them last longer. Clean cars are less likely to rust and you don’t have to worry about dry leaves clogging the engine.

Rotate the tyres

Tyre rotation is a simple process that can end up saving you a lot of money. It involves moving tyres from the front to the rear and vice-versa. What this procedure does is ensure tyres on your vehicle wear evenly. As a result, your tyres will last longer, helping your business save money. If you’re running a fleet, rotating tyres is something you simply can’t afford to skip. Tyres can be quite expensive and buying new sets for all your vehicles can drain your budget.

Even if you’re not the type of person who takes extra care of their car, doing so for your company car is something you simply have to do. This is especially the case if you’re running an entire fleet. Your company’s vehicles are an investment and a higher ROI is only possible if you get the job done right.

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