Tips For Dealing With A Panic Attack

1. Keep on mind that it will eventually pass

It can be difficult to remember during a panic attack, but try to keep in mind that the way that you feel will pass and nothing will happen to you physically. 

Remember that you’re going through a short time of concentrated anxiety and it will be finished soon. 

The majority of panic attacks become the most intense in about 10 minutes of when they start and then they will eventually come to an end. 

2. Breathe deeply

One way that you can bring a panic attack under control is to breathe deeply

When you have a panic attack, you will likely experience fast and shallow breathing along with tightness in the chest. Unfortunately, this can make your anxiety feel even worse. 

It is better to try and breathe as slowly and deeply as you can. Focus your concentration on every breath that you take and breathe from your stomach. You should aim to slowly breathe air into your lungs in a steady pace while you count from 1 to 4. Make sure that you also exhale on a count of 4 as well. 

You can also do 4-7-8 breathing which is known as a relaxing breath. Basically, to do this, you will have to breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds and release that breath for 8 seconds. 

However, you should keep in mind that there are some people who experience even worse panic attacks with deep breathing. If this is your case, then it is better to focus on an enjoyable task. For more help with panic attacks visit

3. Smell lavender

Another way to relieve anxiety is through smelling a relaxing scent. This can help you to focus on something else and get grounded. 

Lavender is an excellent scent because it is very relaxing and there are numerous studies which show that it can help to reduce anxiety. 

You can get lavender oil and inhale it or place a bit on a clean cloth or handkerchief and smell. You can easily find and buy lavender oil online. With that said, make sure that you purchase it from a trusted source. 

If you don’t enjoy the smell of lavender, then use an essential oil that is preferred such as lemon, bergamot orange etc. 

4. Locate a peaceful area

Certain sounds and sights can make a panic attack a lot worse. So, it is best to locate a peaceful area. If you’re in a busy area, simply move to a quieter space or even lean on a wall that is nearby. 

When you sit in a quiet area, this will give you mental space which will make it easier for you to do some breathing exercises or do other strategies to help you cope. 

5. Focus on or pay attention to a particular object

If you have a lot of feelings, memories or even thoughts that are causing you anxiety and distress, then it can help to focus on a particular physical object to become more grounded. 

By doing this, it will help to reduce negative stimulus. When you pay attention to a particular object, you will have thoughts about the object and this can help to reduce the panic attack’s symptoms

If these panic attacks are recurring, then you can keep a particular object with you to help with grounding. This object can be as simple as a toy, stone, hair clip etc. 

When you use grounding techniques, they can greatly help you to deal with trauma, panic attacks and anxiety on a whole.

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