7 Things You Can Do for Your Mental Health

Mental health consists of three components, well-being, emotional health, and psychological health. It is very important to take care of our mental health as it affects how we feel, think, and act from a young age to adulthood and aging. We have discussed 7 simple ways that can help you in improving your overall health. 

1. Tell Yourself Something Positive

According to research, how you view yourself can actually have a powerful effect on the way you feel. If you perceive yourself and your life in a negative way, you can end up viewing experiences in a way that reinforces that notion.

A better approach would be to commit yourself to using words which promote feelings of personal power and self-worth. For instance, rather than saying: “I’m such a loser. I won’t get the job since I really tanked in the interview,” you can try saying something like: “I might not have done as well as I would have liked in the interview, but it does not mean that I won’t get the job.”

2. Write Down What You Are Grateful For

Gratitude is not only linked with improved mental health and well-being but also happiness. Keeping a gratitude journal or writing a daily gratitude list is perhaps the best-researched method for increasing feelings of gratitude.

It is also effective to generally contemplate gratitude, but regular practice is necessary if you want to enjoy the benefits in the long-run. Find something you are grateful for, allow it to fill your heart, and then bask in that feeling.

3. Move Your Body

The body releases mood-boosting and stress-relieving chemicals known as endorphins before and after working out, which is why exercise is such as a powerful antidote to anxiety, stress, bipolar disorder and depression. 

Try finding small ways to add activity to your day, such as taking the stairs rather than the elevator or even going on a short walk. 

Aim for not less than 30 minutes of exercise every day, to get the most benefit, and try doing it outdoors. Being exposed to sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D that increases the serotonin levels in the brain, and spending time in nature is proven to reduce stress.

4. Focus on One Thing

If you are mindful of the current moment, then you can let go of difficult or negative emotions from past experiences of moments that might be weighing you down. Bringing awareness to such routine activities as eating lunch, taking a shower, or even walking home can be a great place to start.

If you are aware of the physical sensations, tastes, smells, or sounds of these experiences then you can better focus your attention. If you find your mind wandering, simply bring it back to the activity at hand.

5. Eat a Good Meal

Whatever you eat nourishes the entire body, and the brain is no exception. Moderate quantities of carbohydrates help to boost serotonin, which is a brain chemical that tends to have a calming effect on your mood. Foods rich in protein increase dopamine, norepinephrine, and tyrosine that help keep you alert.

Fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients that feed all the cells of your body, including the ones affecting mood-regulating brain chemicals. Foods with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (nuts, fish, and flaxseed) should also be included since research shows that they can improve mood and restore the structural integrity of the brain cells required for cognitive functioning.

6. Do Something for Others

According to research, if you are helpful to other people, you will feel better about yourself. Being kind and helpful and valued for what you do can be a great way to build your self-esteem. The meaning found in helping others will not only enrich but also expand your life.

7. Open Up to Somebody Else

Knowing that others value you is critical to helping you have more positive thoughts and overcome life’s negative aspects. Evidence also shows that being more trusting has the potential to improve your emotional well-being since while you get better at finding the positive aspects of others, you become better at recognizing your own.

Another way to reduce your stress and anxiety is by forgiving someone. It is definitely not easy to do, but holding on to anger will probably eventually lead to depression and anxiety and keep you stuck in the past. 

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