The future of Metaverse is built by Big Data 

While the Metaverse may provide certain people with a plethora of alternatives for business expansion and development, the notion is still relatively new to others. Businesses should utilise this new development to justify ensuring that best practises are applied to their processes and that things are done correctly. This new technological revolution revolves around big data. Consumers will generate such vast volumes of data in the Web3 age that intelligent insights will not be far distant. Big data analysis could also help to solve some of the world’s most pressing ecological issues.

The metaverse promises to make our digital lives far more immersive and interconnected by utilising new technologies such as virtual, augmented, and mixed reality. If Meta creator and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is correct, we may soon be able to work, shop, play, and interact within the near-limitless frontiers of the metaverse.

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A slew of labels, including Adidas and Balenciaga, have already jumped on board with the young technology. Many more are looking into blockchain solutions that are closely related to the metaverse, such as NFTs and crypto assets. This new digital world has the potential to dramatically alter how organisations and individuals use technology. It is expected to provide fresh innovations to clients, encourage more efficient global collaboration, and produce new revenue opportunities for organisations.

Business Intelligence’s Next Generation

Big Data analytics solutions and user trust will be the foundations of the Metaverse.

Businesses will be able to use cloud data to collect, evaluate, and make choices based on big data from both in-house and third-party sources as the metaverse becomes more extensively used.

These amounts of data can be structured, semi-structured, or entirely unstructured with the correct tools, with algorithms available to analyse and develop prediction models based on the existing information.

Businesses are still learning how to use these massive amounts of data to optimise virtual and augmented channels within the metaverse. More complex algorithms are expected to enter the fray in the coming years as the new environment evolves.

According to BI-Survey data, 57% of businesses employ analytics to examine vast amounts of data, while 51% utilise it to construct stronger prediction models. 50% utilise analytics to gain insights from multiple data sources, while 31% use it to speed up decision-making.

Life in the metaverse is anticipated to be more fluid, with virtual interactions from avatars replacing data entry points like keyboards. This implies that there will be a greater reliance on analysis at the corporate level through prediction models and decision-making processes. 

Through the metaverse, the prevalence of big data will also spread across more industries. In commerce, for example, we may expect to see more brands and online businesses create an online presence in dedicated digital marketplaces where consumer avatars can stroll into their shops by navigating a virtual high street.

A Metaverse’s Impact on Data and Business Intelligence

The business team will be able to use a cloud data platform to gather and analyse in-house and third-party data from a single platform, reducing the time it takes to find statistics. This system should be able to guide organised, semi-structured, and unstructured data, as well as separate information storage and organise bits of knowledge gained from the metaverse to aid in projecting future outcomes.

Organizations are quickly becoming a key metaverse frontier; companies are critical marketplaces for Augmented and Virtual Reality and will influence metaverse progress.


As a result of the metaverse revolution, many companies and shopping destinations will be able to engage in new advanced markets where potential customers can interface directly with 3D representations of products they want to buy in a virtual environment.


Because traditional currencies are unlikely to dominate future markets, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others may have a place. By investing in blockchain innovation, you may effectively expand your options.


In 2021, 72% of US metaverse users will have participated. 44 percent of them obtained acts out, skins, and in-game content. Additionally, it has been established. This suggests that the entertainment industry is worth focusing on.

The metaverse’s next step

Although the metaverse remains a distant idea for most CIOs, there is value in investigating existing use cases where the metaverse has already proved value. Some of these use cases may be applicable to enterprise business concerns, such as new product design. In other circumstances, such as online gaming firms, the metaverse is crucial to the company’s principal line of business.

Chief Information officers and data architects should consider the role of big data in all scenarios. This data will need to be meticulously produced in order to be of high quality. It will need to be integrated with record-keeping and business-processing systems. It will also need to be carefully curated in order for the metaverse models that use it to be reliable and reproducible in performance.

In the short term, big data’s core usefulness will remain in AI and analytics—but it’s not early to consider the metaverse as big data’s next new thing.

About the Guest Author:

Vaibhavi Tamizhkumaran

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