The Steps You Should Follow Immediately After Having an Accident in Dallas

Having an accident is a traumatic and costly experience for anybody on the road. Whether the accident has just involved you, or there were other drivers involved, it is important to know exactly how you should behave and act at the scene of an accident. Injuries are commonplace during accidents, and in the worst-case-scenario, someone could have lost their life. It is critical to remain as calm as possible and get the right people to the scene as quickly as possible. 

Dallas, in particular, has a much higher accident rate than the rest of the US. In fact, statistics show that drivers are 46% more likely to be involved in an accident in Dallas than anywhere else in the US. Drivers here are expected to be involved in some kind of traffic incident every seven years, and an average of one person has died on the roads every single day for the last 19 years. 

So, if you have the unfortunate luck, and fall into the statistics one day, you will need to know how to handle the situation. Regardless of whether the accident was your fault or not, there are a number of steps to follow at the scene of the accident to ensure everyone’s safety as well as avoid any unnecessary legal action for your behavior at the scene. Let’s get right into it. 

Stop. Pull Over. Secure the Scene

The first thing that is vital in any accident is to actually stop and pull over out of the road if you can. Do not, in any circumstances try and flee the scene. Not only can you be responsible for the other person involved in the accident getting seriously injured, but they might even die without the right help. Hefty fines and jail time come with someone trying to flee the scene, and if you are responsible for the accident, the punishment will be more severe. 

If you can, try and pull your car out of the road, and if someone is injured on the road, try and secure their safety. It is not always advisable to move an injured person, but if they are in danger of being hit again, it could be the best course of action. Check yourself for injuries and then move onto the other motorists or pedestrians involved. With the rush of adrenaline, you may not be immediately aware of your own injuries, so make sure to do a thorough check. You can then move on to ensuring that there is no underlying dangers and can survey the damage to the vehicles. 

Contact the Authorities 

It is a legal requirement to always get the authorities involved with any accident. Not only can you be fined or jailed for not filing a report, but your insurance will not pay out without the case number. The Texas Transportation Code Title 7: Vehicles and Traffic, Subchapter B: Duties Following an Accident states that you are required to report an accident where there is an injury, death, or property damage of $1,000 or more involved. If you do not adhere to this and do not submit the report, you may face penalties, including a fine up to $5,000 or/and imprisonment. 

The report can be used for your damages and insurance claim, so make sure you provide as much information as possible in the report. You may be in a state of shock, so if you cannot provide it on the scene, you can organize to make the statement at the department. You may also have an attorney present if you require it. Dallas police accident reports are available to you online for your claim. If you want to do things the old-fashioned way you can usually get a copy in person from the station, or request it by mail, too. 

Do Not Admit Fault

Be very careful of what you say at the accident scene. Yes, you may be panicked and overwhelmed, but taking a few breaths and carefully planning your wording could mean the difference in the outcome of the case. If one person is found at fault for the accident, they could be held 100% responsible for all damages and costs involved. If you are totally at fault for the accident, you will be able to settle this with the police at a later stage. 

however, if you are not responsible, a word uttered incorrectly could land the responsibility of the accident straight onto your shoulders, even if the other party is responsible. Saying things like “I just didn’t see you” or “I didn’t pay attention for a second” could be severely twisted and you could land with the costs on your hands. Try to remain quiet until it’s time to give your statement and be completely factual, leaving out the emotive language. 

Document Everything 

You will need to have as many details as possible after the accident. If you can speak to the other person, you will need some of their information. Document the following: 

  • Name and surname; 
  • Address; 
  • Telephone number; 
  • Plate number; 
  • Type and color of the car.

Next, you will need to document the accident itself. Make sure you do this totally independently and not allow yourself to be influenced by the other person. Remember, if it is their fault, they can try to pass it off as yours to avoid the costs. Protect yourself at all times. List what damages there are to your car as well as theirs. Take pictures of their car and the damages as well as yours for evidence. It is also wise to take a step back and take visuals of the surroundings. Where did the other car come from, where did you collide? Where are the stop signs, traffic lights, and bends in the road? What was the main cause of the accident? Get as much as you can for the report. 

Wrapping Up

One of the most important things about the whole experience is to try and remain as calm as possible throughout the whole time. Do not lose your temper or threaten the other person. They will most likely be in shock too. An unwise comment from your side could land you in more trouble than it is worth. Rather bite your tongue and go about the process of alerting the medical services and police and documenting the scene. A methodical approach to a really unfortunate circumstance will yield better results for you in the long run. 

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