Sleeping Positions For Lower Back Pain [Top 5 Positions]

Medical conditions are not the only reasons causing your pain. Sometimes, you may face the same issue if you sleep improperly.

This article will suggest some sleeping positions for lower back pain. Let’s join us and learn how to deal with your discomfort! 

Best Sleeping Positions For Lower Back Pain

Lower spine discomfort and sleeping issues have a strong relationship. They have a two-way interaction that is mutually reinforcing.

Another relation between sleeping and pain is the effect of sleeping posture on your spinal alignment. 

Twisting and contorting will place more pressure on your lumbar spine, while sleep can induce discomfort and stiffness.

If you are prone to pain, these sleeping postures can help. 

1. Sleep on the back with a pillow

Sleeping on one’s back may be the ideal posture for some sleepers to reduce back pain:

  • Make sure you’re lying flat on your back.
  • Place a cushion under your knees and maintain a level spine. 

The cushion is crucial. It helps to maintain your lower back’s arch.

Fold up a towel and lay it under your back for further support.

You should distribute your weight equally and redistribute it across the biggest part of your body when trying back sleeping posture. Then, the pressure points will suffer less. 

1. Try to put a cushion under your knees 

2. Sleep on the side with a pillow between the knees

If sleeping flat on the back is too painful for you, try turning to the side.

Allow your left or right shoulder to touch the mattress. It would be best to place a cushion between the knees.

You can also add a small pillow between the mattress and your waist for more support.

Whether you use one or two pillows, avoid the tendency to lie on the same side every night. Overdoing it can lead to muscular imbalance and scoliosis.

You won’t feel any better if you rest on the side. The secret is to place a cushion between the knees. Thanks to the pillow, your spine, hips, and pelvis will be more aligned.

2. Cushions under the knees are good for side sleepers

3. Sleep in a fetal position

If you suffer from a herniated disc, consider lying on the side in a fetal posture:

  • Lie down on the back and then turn over slightly to the side.
  • Bend your body toward the knees and curl your knees toward your chest.
  • To avoid any imbalances, keep switching sides from now and then.

The discs within your spine are flexible cushions that sit between the vertebrae. When a portion of a disc moves out of its natural spot, it causes nerve pain, stiffness, and other symptoms. 

You can loosen the gap between vertebrae curling your body into a fetal position.

3. Try to sleep in the fetal posture 

4. Sleep on your stomach

You may hear about how stomach sleeping is terrible for back pain. This idea is partly true since it can put more stress on your neck.  

You don’t have to urge yourself into another posture if you find you are a stomach sleeper. Instead, try this posture:

  • Put a pillow under your lower abdomen and pelvis to reduce the stress on your back. 
  • You can choose to put a cushion under your head depending on how you feel while sleeping in this position. 

Stomach sleeping with a cushion may be especially beneficial for those with degenerative spinal diseases. It might help ease any strain on the space between the discs.

5. Sleep in a reclined position

Although sleeping on a chair may not be the ideal option for back discomfort, this position can be helpful if isthmic spondylolisthesis is your problem. 

A disorder known as isthmic spondylolisthesis occurs when a vertebra slides over the one underneath it. 

Because misplacement of the vertebra causes an angle between your trunk and thighs, reclining may be advantageous to your back. This posture helps relieve strain on your spine.

Consider buying an adjustable bed to allow you to lie in this posture with the best comfort and alignment possible.

4. Consider investing in an adjustable bed 

What Pillows Do You Need?

We have mentioned the pillow many times. They play a vital role in supporting your spine while sleeping.

The pillow will cushion the top part of your spine by cradling your neck and head. 

Do not, under any circumstances, position your pillow behind your shoulders.

The pillow you need depends on your sleeping habits.

1. For back sleepers

Thinner cushions with additional padding at the base to protect your neck may be your best choice.

Memory foam and latex are excellent materials since it conforms to your neck nicely. If you cannot decide which one suits you more, the comparison in this video can help. 

2. For stomach sleepers

You should try the thinnest cushion you can find, if not none at all. In fact, you can try sleeping on one side with a body pillow between your legs. 

The pillow will provide you with the feeling of something pushing against your abdomen while also helping with the alignment of other parts of your body.

3. For side sleepers

You might need a firm cushion. If possible, look for one with an extra-large gusset to deal with the gap between your shoulder and ear.

Remember to put a hard cushion between your knees as well. You could even use a rolled towel alternatively.

Remember to replace the pillow every 18 months. Although pillow coverings can give a great barrier, cushions nevertheless contain allergens such as mildew and dust mites.

Final Words

Regardless of the posture you pick, the key is to maintain appropriate spine alignment. Pay special attention to your hips, shoulders, and ears as well. 

The gap between your body and the mattress may cause strain on your spine. You can tackle this problem by placing a pillow between. 

Hopefully, you will find this article helpful. If you need any further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you for being interested in the post! 

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