Simple Ways to Treat Migraines

Migraine headaches are pain that can last from two hours to three days, and their severity can range from mild throbbing sensations in the head or neck, nausea or vomiting, and light sensitivity. There are some simple things you can follow to lessen the effects of migraines. You can also consult a migraine specialist in Alexandria to get it treated early.

A few simple ways to treat migraine headaches are:

Take an Ice Pack

Ice helps to reduce the swelling of blood vessels in your head, which causes pain when experiencing a migraine headache. Put the ice pack over your eyes, forehead, and temples for 10 minutes, three times a day if you are experiencing pain. 

Relax in a Hot Bath

The hot water will help you relax, which will, in turn, alleviate some of the pain that is causing that darn headache! The hot water will also help reduce the inflammation in your body that causes migraines in most cases. 

Keep a Fever Medicine Handy

When you begin to notice the pain of a migraine, taking a fever medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help to relieve the swelling of the blood vessels and pain that comes with it. 

Eat a Healthy Diet

Some foods can trigger migraines, so make sure you eat healthy and eliminate triggering foods from your diet to see if it helps with migraine headaches. These foods are red wine, cheese, chocolate, citrus fruits, and other acidic fruits. 

Take a Nap

Resting can help considerably with migraines, especially if you feel nauseous and the pain in your head. Resting for as little as 20 minutes can bring beneficial results for those who suffer from migraine headaches. 

Drink water

Drinking water on a large scale can help you flush out toxins from your body which help to relieve pain. Keeping healthy is extremely important when suffering from this disease because dehydration can cause discomfort and other things that worsen with migraine headaches, such as constipation or migraines that will last longer than they should. 

Apply a warm compress on your head

Warm compresses will help relieve pain, reduce swelling of your head, and provide a more comfortable experience for those with migraines who have sensitive skin. Warm compresses can be made from water warmed in a microwave oven or heated on the stovetop on the lowest setting, or they can be purchased over-the-counter at a pharmacy or discount store. 

There are many different possible treatments for migraines, but these simple home remedies can ease your migraine headache. 

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