Problems Caused by Venous Insufficiency in Your Body

The persisting stagnancy in the blood flow may result in immense discomfort, and one of the leading causes behind it could be venous insufficiency. In that case, scheduling an appointment with the Tinley Park, IL general surgeon will be beneficial. Moreover, vascular specialists happen to offer the best treatment.

They provide minimum in-office treatment to understand your mental state and even handle your leg pain without too much invasion. In some severe cases, they provide surgeries as well.

On that note, let us go through some problems you may face with venous insufficiency:

  • Blood Clot: The blood gets clotted in your veins instead of flowing throughout your body. That ends up popping your veins at the surface of your skin.
  • Twisted Veins: In the case of venous insufficiency, the veins in your body pop up in a very convoluted manner, further giving it a cord-like look. 
  • Numbness: Due to the lack of blood regulation, the affected region may go numb.
  • Leathery Skin: The twisted veins also disrupt the surface of your skin by losing the smoothness and turning its texture almost like leather.
  • Severe Leg Pain: You may experience extreme leg cramps due to irregular blood flow due to a blood clot.
  • Skin Discoloration: The skin near your ankle loses its natural color and changes to brown color. 
  • Itchiness: In the affected area, you may develop itchiness and soreness as well.
  • Disruptive Sleep: Due to the severe cramps and itchiness, you may experience a difficult time falling asleep. Somehow if you end up falling asleep, you wake up with shooting pain.

Home remedies for venous insufficiency: 

Depending on the condition of your symptoms and other factors, the doctor will suggest the appropriate treatment. However, you can try a few home remedies actively along with the treatment recommended by your doctor. 

Avoid sitting in one place for too long. Stretch and shake your body for more effortless blood flow. In addition, you can do exercise, be it dance, workout, yoga – as per your convenience. The main goal is to keep moving your body. The least you can do is go for a walk as that will positively affect you too. Apart from this, do not miss your prescribed medications. 

Venous insufficiency may not be fatal in many cases. However, if you notice the symptoms, it is advised to get a consultation from your doctor to start the proper treatment before things get too far. Do not neglect the early signs

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