5 Negative Habits to Break in Order to Make 2021 the Best Year Yet

The habits we choose to practice every day can have quite a prominent impact on our lives, often with permanent consequences. And while some of those habits can be good and foster positive changes, the bad habits tend to worsen over time, harming both our physical and mental health, and leading to toxic behavior. If you wish to let go of these detrimental habits, and make 2021 a better, healthier, and happier year, here are some negative habits you should break, and ideas on how to replace them:

Wasting time with media

Social media, TV programs, and online streaming services are all wonderful forms of entertainment that allow us to relax and unwind at the end of a hard day. But as a society, we tend to spend too much time consuming these forms of media, which often leads to wasted time, procrastination, mental numbness, as well as exposure to negative influences.

If you want 2021 to be a bit more positive and brighter, it would be a good idea to limit your exposure to entertainment media. Instead, spend this precious time with your friends and family, finish your school or work obligations, step outside, read more books, or alternatively replace entertainment with educational media, for a more productive day.

Ignoring diet and exercise

While a sedentary lifestyle might be the most comfortable for many, it’s actually detrimental to our health, leading to weight gain, increased chances of chronic illnesses, as well as an unsatisfactory life overall. However, simply by finding the motivation to nurture your health, your entire life can suddenly improve this year.

For example, you could start by eating a more nutritious diet filled with fruits, vegetables, fibers, and healthy fats. Then, consider prioritizing exercise by working out at least three times a week, whether it’s a lighter physical activity like swimming and jogging, or more strenuous gym sessions. Just by making these two simple changes, the quality of your life will dramatically increase, and lead to a healthier and happier lifestyle overall.

Consuming alcohol and cigarettes

Increasing the risk of a stroke, high blood pressure, and heart failure, excessive alcohol consumption could be quite destructive to your overall health, which is why it would be best to reduce your alcohol intake to one glass a day, if you want 2021 to be a bit better and happier.

As traditional cigarettes could have a similar effect on your body, this year might be the ideal time to switch to a safer and healthier alternative, such as vapes and electronic cigarettes that will help you control your nicotine intake, while being incomparably tastier and more pleasant to use. However, don’t forget to stock up on some quality vape tools as well, in order to maintain your new habit more efficiently.

Constantly saying “yes”

How many times have you been in situations where you kept agreeing to proposals and orders, even though your mind was screaming “no”? This is one of the most common ways in which we increase stress and negatively impact our mental health, often without even realizing it. But why should we feel the pressure to take on additional work or spend time with people who don’t bring us joy?

This year, it’s finally time to focus on yourself and tend to your own needs by learning how to say “no”. And don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to agree to, which you will actually like and enjoy.

Never taking risks

Taking risks is an essential aspect of life. It allows us to step out of our comfort zone and push our limits, in an effort to find true contentment and meaning in life. Success is never easy and happiness isn’t a given, but neither of them can be achieved without taking some necessary risks.

Staying inside of our comfort zone, on the other hand, only leads to stagnation, and can never deliver any positive changes or advancements in life. So, if you truly wish to improve your lifestyle and make 2021 your best year ever, there’s no better way to achieve that than by taking some calculated risks.

Although it’s true that nobody is perfect, the path to self-improvement can be a much easier journey when you let go of these negative habits, and work on making 2021 your best year yet.

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