Managing Orthopedic Pain: A Pain Specialist’s Intervention

Pain can either be acute or chronic, depending on the trigger factors. For example, if you step on broken glass, you will experience pain before the bleeding starts, your body is only signaling you to take the necessary measures to relieve your pain. When you have chronic or orthopedic pain, medications might not work, the best option would be to see a Garden State Pain Control specialist to determine its causes and treat them. Keep reading to find out what the team has to say about orthopedic pain management.

What Is Orthopedic Pain Management?

In an event where you underwent orthopedic surgery, a pain specialist will try to ensure that you experience little-to-no pain. Pain is an inevitable part of post-surgery, but it should not be too intense to where it affects your quality of life.

What Measures Can a Pain Specialist Take Before Administering Pain Management Options?

Your body might respond positively or negatively depending on the treatment option your doctor recommends. To ensure you receive maximum relief, your doctor might assess your body through your medical history and how you reacted to previous medications. If you have been using strong painkillers in the past, your doctor might recommend other drugs that will not make you dependent on them.

To reduce your pain, your doctor might resort to the following treatment options:

1.  Medications

Painkillers prescribed by doctors are often effective. However, they might pose side effects such as drowsiness, irritations, urinary retention, and many others. These side effects wear out with time. Always ensure you follow your doctor’s precautions if you want your meds to work.

2.  Physiotherapy

Sometimes, all your body needs are exercises to eliminate pain. Physical therapy and exercise are vital pain management procedures that work for people who have undergone orthopedic surgery. Exercise works by signaling to your body to produce endorphins. That means that your body is capable of producing natural pain killers. Patients that use exercise and physical therapy tend to heal faster than those that resort to other treatment options. Still, you can engage in physical exercise when your doctor renders you fit.

3.  Non-Conventional Pain Treatment Options

Nowadays, pain management specialists recommend patients try non-conventional treatment options, they include yoga, acupuncture, and meditations. If you are doing it for the first time, you might not understand the rationale behind it. However, these methods are scientifically-proven to be effective since they influence the body to produce its natural pain-relieving hormones, that feeling of relaxation and pain-free is a win-win.

See a Pain Management Specialist to Deal With Your Agony

The Garden State Pain Control’s pain management specialists are highly trained and experienced in handling such problems. From the time you walk into their facility to the time you undergo evaluation, they will address your pain causes and find the best treatment plan. If you need a pain specialist in areas around Edison, Hazlet, Jersey City, and Clifton, feel free to reach out to the team. To find out how orthopedic pain management works, schedule a consultation today.

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