Loulouka Formula Has Taken Over The Market By Storm: Here Is Why

With so many baby formula companies competing to manufacture organic formulas for infants, finding the right one for your baby can be challenging. A new brand has recently been getting positive feedback from parents around the world If you are wondering whether Loulouka is worth the hype, and if it meets the requirements for a good baby formula then this article is for you!

Is Loulouka a baby formula that is safe and healthy?

Loulouka formula is a legal, secure, and very healthy choice for your little one. Because of its stringent regulations and high standards for the care of cows, organic food and production of baby formula, Loulouka is formulated in Switzerland. For instance, there are only 23 cows (max) allowed per farm on organic Swiss farms, the lowest in the world!

What are the advantages for Loulouka?

EU certified organic, humane cow care

European formulas are trusted for a reason – European organic standards and agricultural regulations are far higher / more rigorous than US organic standards. Here you can learn more about the criteria for European formulas and the advantages of organic formulas. In comparison, Swiss cows are treated more humanely than American cows. Swiss cows graze on natural grass and hay all day – improving the overall quality of milk. There are no steroids, hormones, preservatives, pesticides or additives used in the processing of Swiss milk (which is what Loulouka uses).

No Soy

To have naturally available proteins, a Loulouka use skimmed cow’s milk and, on top of that, uses no soy ingredients (no soy oil, no soy lecithin, no soy protein). Why is this important? Research has shown that too much soy in childhood can have harmful effects later in life.

Good/healthy fats and no palm oil

The fat source of the most organic regulated formula originates from vegetable oils, including palm oil. Baby formula makers use palm oils because they are similar to palmitic acid to imitate the nutrient found in breastmilk. Vitamin E and beta carotene are both found in palm oil. Although these oils are healthy and necessary for growth, palm oil has negative environmental implications and can cause digestive problems (for palm oil-sensitive babies). Loulouka uses coconut oil as the main source of fat, which also tends to make it very similar to breastmilk in its composition (with 15.8% palmitic acid). Coconut oil also has a high concentration of medium chain triglycerides, which helps with absorption, and the composition of saturated fatty acids in coconut oil is similar to breastmilk (43% vs. 38% in breastmilk).

What are the variations between stage 1, 2 and stage 3 of Loulouka?

There are minor variations between the 3 Stages of Loulouka – so to help you find out which one is better for your infant, here is the difference:

Stage 1

Stage 1 of Loulouka is for birth and onward. Parents may use this formula to supplement or use breastmilk in addition to breastmilk. The best thing about this formula is that you can use it right after birth and in the first year!

Stage 2

Loulouka Stage 2 is perfect for children aged 6-12 months. Although it is not appropriate to switch from Stage 1 to Stage 2, some parents may want to switch because of the higher iron content and the added DHA / ARA in this Stage 2 formula.

Stage 3

Loulouka Stage 3 is 10 months and up for infants. This “follow-on milk” is ideal for parents who prefer to use formula for babies. It has more iron than Stage 1, and it has added DHA / ARA just like Stage 2. Stage 3 also contains maltodextrin.

For parents who value nutrition, healthy ingredients, and EU organic certification — Loulouka formula could be the perfect formula for you and your baby! So order your batch from Little Moo Organics today!

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