Laser Treatment For Acne: What You Need To Know

We all know the importance of putting our best foot – or, in this case, face – forward. First impressions matter, and while we all strive to highlight our best features, sometimes, there are particular issues that prevent us from feeling and looking our best self. For many people, the reason for their insecurity lies in their skin condition. This is especially true for individuals dealing with acne and acne-related issues.

Such skin condition often comes with an array of emotional and mental effects that impact a person’s body image and self-esteem. Fortunately, such conditions are treatable thanks to a range of laser options available these days. Below, everything you need to know about a laser treatment for acne before getting one.

How does a laser treatment work?

There’s no doubt that a laser treatment is an effective way to address acne-related residual scarring. But more often than not, a dermatologist will recommend a combination of several acne treatments to help patients achieve the best results.

After assessing the patient’s skin condition, the dermatologist will recommend the most suitable type of laser therapy. This can involve using ablative or non-ablative skin resurfacing, or fractionated laser treatment to target acne scarring. The way it works is by focusing the laser heat to help peel off the top layer of the skin. The heat from the laser also stimulates collagen production and growth of new cells, promoting skin healing and regeneration. What the patient’s left with is a visibly reduced appearance of the scar.

What’s the laser treatment procedure like?

The entire procedure can last as little as 30 minutes. Even though an anesthetic is applied prior to treatment, some patients may experience slight discomfort. Depending on the kind of laser treatment for acne that’s being performed, your dermatologist will inform you about what you can expect from the procedure. They’ll also give you before and after treatment instructions to ensure optimal results.

Once your dermatologist prepares you for the procedure, they will apply a numbing agent to the area that’s being treated. Usually, these targeted areas include neck, face, back, upper torso, and arms. After that, they’ll begin with the treatment while simultaneously relying on another cooling device to soothe the affected area. After the procedure, you may experience skin tenderness, redness, pain, and swelling.

Take steps to prepare the skin for laser treatment

Once you’ve consulted with your dermatologist and decided on the best laser treatment option for you, it is important that you take steps to prepare your skin for laser treatment. For starters, your doctor will ask you to stop taking any blood-thinning supplements and medications (e.g. aspirin) and vitamin E. Don’t take any of these two weeks prior to the procedure, and don’t smoke either. Smoking is known to inhibit blood flow, so make sure to follow these instructions.

Also, don’t use tanning beds or sun lamps before the procedure, and avoid sunlight to avoid getting ftanned or sunburned. Finally, once you schedule your treatment for removing acne scars, steer clear of skincare products containing glycolic acid or retinoid. Stop using them one month prior, or two weeks at minimum to help prep the skin for the treatment.

Invest in acne-prone skincare and schedule necessary follow-up treatments

In the days after the procedure, you will still need to stick to a strict regimen to ensure optimal results. This is also important in order to avoid any post-treatment side effects. Keep in mind that it takes time to actually start seeing the results of laser treatments. What’s more, most patients require several additional treatments after the initial one to achieve the desired results. Be sure to schedule the necessary follow-up treatments as this will ensure better, long-lasting results.

Finally, do some research on good skincare products for acne-prone skin. Prevention is the best cure, and having your dermatologist recommend some high-quality acne-prone skincare products will go a long way in preventing acne breakout and ensuring a healthy, glowing skin.

Addressing your acne scarring shouldn’t be painful

Finding a solution for your acne problem can be as easy as scheduling a consultation with a reputable dermatologist. With their help, you can figure out which laser treatment is right for your particular skin issue and then effectively address it. The sooner you book an appointment, the sooner you’ll be able to face your problem head on and ensure a healthy, glowing skin.

Meta Description

Dealing with acne brings its own set of challenges. The good news? Addressing your skin concerns can be as simple as scheduling a laser treatment.

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