Kidney Problems That You Should Look Out For

Nephrology defines the branch of medicine specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illnesses related to the kidney. As you may previously know, kidneys play a vital role in filtering waste from the blood and disposing of it through the urine. When the kidneys malfunction, it may mean that your blood will carry impurities which may cause disastrous effects since blood is responsible for making antibodies that help you fight against diseases. Houston Kidney Specialists Center has put all this into consideration and offers people in Cypress and Houston plasmapheresis, hypertension management, bone and mineral problems, and access to kidney disease specialists. Below is an overview of some of the kidney problems that these treatments handle.

Kidney disease

Kidney disease occurs when the kidneys are damaged and thus unable to carry out the role of removing waste products from the blood, causing it to build up. The kidneys will also not be able to control your blood pressure effectively. Its symptoms include loss of appetite, urination changes, weakness and fatigue, nausea and vomiting, swelling of the feet and ankles, and muscle cramps. Houston Kidney Specialists Center may offer various treatments, including medication, dialysis, dietary change, or kidney transplant, depending on the severity of the condition.


Hypertension describes a condition where the force of blood against the walls of the arteries gets higher than normal. Major causes of this situation include plaque that builds up in the walls of the arteries or other underlying health conditions like diabetes, sleep apnea, birth control pills, thyroid problems, adrenal gland problems, or kidney disease. Treatment may be as simple as changing the diet and lifestyle changes. It may also involve medication or treatment of the underlying condition if it is the root cause of hypertension.


Vasculitis is a condition that involves the inflammation of your blood vessels. It could sometimes attach the huge blood vessels like the aorta or sometimes the small vessels like the capillaries. When such a condition presents itself, it results in the death of the tissue. The condition may be caused by a side effect from a specific medication, an illness or infection, or sometimes when the blood vessels produce antibodies that attack the blood vessel walls. The symptoms include shortness of breath, ulcers, joint pain, weakness, rashes, and fatigue. Houston Kidney Specialists Center offers treatment plans which include medication like corticosteroids and immunosuppressants or surgery depending on the affected area and how severe the condition is.

Antibodies working against your body

Antibodies produced by the blood are supposed to fight alien bodies in your body that cause sickness. However, there are conditions where the blood may produce antibodies that fight against your own organs. In such situations, Houston Kidney Specialists Center offers plasmapheresis as the best solution. Plasmapheresis is a procedure similar to dialysis where your blood is run through a machine that removes the antibodies and then returns the antibody-free plasma back to circulation.

Kidney failure can bring about fatal effects that may even require transplants. However, whether the condition is minor or life-threatening, specialists at Houston Kidney Specialists Center are equipped with advanced medical technology and years of experience to handle it. Don’t wander around searching anymore; visit them today. 

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