Impressive Ways Writing Shapes Thinking

Writing is one of the most beautiful and uplifting forms of art. It’s also a creative process that helps us reach into the depth of our emotions and learn more about who we actually are. The process of writing is rewarding on so many levels. It helps evoke creativity, self-awareness, and makes us get out of our shells. And, the best part about writing is that it helps shape thinking.

This may sound a bit strange and hard to understand at first. How can we shape our thinking? But, we’re here to help you understand the true power of writing. Below, you’ll find all the answers to the questions you may have on your mind right now.

Here’s how writing shapes thinking.

1. Writing Helps You Focus

Did you ever feel so confused or stressed out that you felt it was impossible to calm down? Your mind is a mysterious thing and sometimes it can be nearly impossible to tame it.

Your thoughts keep roaming your head not allowing you to make any clear judgment calls.

This is because you can’t focus. But luckily, writing can help you find the focus you need to truly inspect your mind.

Here’s why:

  • when you’re about to write, your pen is the bridge between your mind and the paper
  • by controlling the pen, you’re finding actual focus
  • you’re aiming all your thoughts to the writing and thus helping your brain settle

By turning your thoughts into a physical notion (words on paper), you’re making it easier for yourself to find focus and concentrate.

This is the first, and most important step in shaping your thinking.

2. Writing Removes Distractions

If you try to talk to yourself in order to get to the bottom of how you feel or where you are mentally, you could easily get distracted.

Some thoughts or ideas will appear out of nowhere, making it impossible for you to fully concentrate. In addition, the sounds and images from your surroundings will make it even harder for you to find the focus you need.

But, with writing, it’s a whole other story.

Writing helps you remove those distractions by having you concentrate only on the blank paper and your mind.

Writing will:

  • help you isolate yourself from the images around you
  • help you stop hearing the noises around you
  • ensure the only thing you hear is your mind

Whether you’re writing ideas for a potential motivation book or the concluding paragraphs of your latest novel, you’ll need to remove all distractions. 

Through practice, you’ll be able to improve your skills of removing distractions and turn every writing session into a success.

3. Writing Organizes Your Ideas

Another great example of how writing shapes thinking is in the notion of organizing different ideas you may be thinking about.

At the same time, you could be thinking about several different things:

  • an event that happened earlier that day
  • emotions you’re currently feeling
  • your plans for tomorrow

All of this could make you feel confused or uncertain about what to do or how to act. But, if you decide to write it all down, you’ll be able to analyze all these ideas separately.

That means that you would be:

  • organizing your thinking into groups and categories
  • processing each idea separately
  • managing to deal with all your ideas and thoughts

So, instead of staying lost in the sea of thoughts, you’re experiencing at once, you’ll be able to neatly organize them and handle them one by one.

This will improve your mental state and help you feel more relaxed and disburdened.

4. Writing Improves Planning

Planning our future and setting small or big goals is always a good idea. It helps us stay reminded that each new day matters and we should look forward to it with positivity.

However, if we don’t write down our goals, we might not accomplish them as successfully as we would if we wrote them down.

When we write down our goals, we are actually:

  • making a promise to ourselves
  • making a plan on how to do it properly
  • creating a detailed guide to ourselves that will help us achieve our goals

“When we write down our professional or personal goals, we’re helping ourselves shape our ideas and thoughts into a plan that is bound to succeed”, says Melanie Sovann, a communication expert and writer at GetGoodGrade research paper writing service.

5. Writing Helps Us Learn

Nobody will ever fully understand what is happening inside our minds every day. Not even you can say that you fully understand why you feel a certain way or think about certain things.

But, writing can help make small improvements.

And, the best way to learn more about yourself is to have writing sessions in a form of a conversation with yourself.

Talking to yourself through writing is great for:

  • embracing vulnerability
  • practicing honesty
  • exploring the depths of your mind
  • learning about yourself
  • growing on a personal level

This is great for beginner writers who are just getting started and have so much to learn about their creative processes, and themselves.

You’ll be able to write and say the things that you would otherwise never say to any other living creature.  The liberty to be fully honest will help you learn about your mental state and shape how you feel and think in the future.

Final Thoughts

When you’re writing, you’re actually having a deep and profound conversation with yourself. You’re helping your mind find a way to verbalize the ideas and emotions you’re experiencing. At the same time, it’s reaching new conclusions and enjoying the freedom that it’s given.

Hopefully, the list provided above will help you understand how beneficial and rewarding writing can be for you. We also hope you’ll understand how writing can be a powerful tool for personal growth.

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