How to Use Interior Design for Positive Impact on Your Life

An average human spends almost 90% of their time indoors in homes, office buildings, stores, bars and cars. So it’s natural that your surroundings will affect how you feel. While you can’t really control the interior design of public spaces, you can control it in your own house. If you’re ready for a little makeover, you can use interior design to bring many positive things into your life. Here’s how to improve your life with smart interior design:

Boost natural light

natural light

Step into a sun-drenched room and see how you feel. You’re probably going to be joyous and relaxed. That’s not a surprise because sunlight is proven to reduce depression and improve mood. No matter how you get your sun—from the great outdoors or your windows—it will still filter all the negative emotions. Sunlight also improves motivation and energy levels and helps you sleep better. So, make sure to modify your window treatment and remove all the big furniture pieces that might be blocking the sun.

Remove clutter

Remove clutter

Most people feel a lot better in open spaces than cramped quarters, so achieving a sense of spaciousness should be one of your primary goals. According to research, people living in rooms with higher ceilings and more negative space tend to be more active which improves mood and health. However, don’t think you’re doomed just because you don’t live in a mansion. Try to clean up regularly and remove clutter, and your space will instantly feel more open.

Limit jagged edges

Limit jagged edges

Typically, people place a square coffee table with sharp or jagged edges in the living room. However, jagged and sharp edges can cause anxiety if overused in the space. Instead, try to focus more on rounded objects that will allow your nervous system to relax.

Add plants and flowers

Add plants and flowers

It’s a well-known fact that spending time surrounded by nature elevates mood and improves overall health, but you don’t have to schedule weekly park picnics to reap the benefits. You can introduce plants to your home and boost concentrations, memory retention and stress-fighting abilities. Many house plants can also clean out your indoor air, reduce allergens and improve air quality by increasing oxygen levels and controlling humidity. Plus they just look pleasant to the eye, so people feel more centered and relaxed.

You can invest in a few house plants like Sanseveria, Peace Lilly, Spider Plant or Pothos, but if you don’t want to add plant maintenance to your long list of chores, you can just grab a beautiful long lasting rose that lasts for years without any maintenance. Place this rose on your desk or over your mental and you’ll get to look at it every day and soak up all its benefits.

Improve your tranquil spaces

Improve your tranquil spaces

Places like the bedroom, lounge room and bathroom are used as retreats—spots that provide you with privacy and relaxation where you can be fully yourself. Make sure your sanctuaries are tranquil and beautiful. For instance, your bathroom will be filled with necessities like the toilet and sink, but try to elevate these spaces. An easy way to boost style in your bathroom is to invest in a freestanding tub and provide it with plenty of negative (unoccupied) space to keep it uncluttered and clean. To improve comfort in the bedroom, employ warm colors and rich textures.

Introduce your favorite colors

Introduce your favorite colors

Color Psychology is not a new concept, but many interior designers swear by it. Experts know that colors and have a dramatic effect on humans, especially their mood, feelings and emotions. We all have a favorite color that pushes us to be our best selves, mainly due to personal experiences and memories, so try to think about a color that brings you comfort and happiness. For instance, light colors usually fill people with energy, while darker shades boost drama and offer the comfort of darkness.

Rethink your layout


Many people wrongfully assume that investing in expensive furniture and art pieces will provide them with style and comfort. To avoid this mistake, it’s always better to consider light modern furniture that’s fun and playful in nature. This will provide you with many different ways to organize your layout and plenty of freedom to experiment around your home.

With these easy tweaks to your home, you can improve the look of your space, but also boost health in every sphere of your life. So adopt these tips and enjoy a healthier and more stylish life.

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