How To Safely Use an Automatic Case Sealer

Automated case sealers have revolutionized the packaging industry by providing a more efficient and accurate method of securing goods. There are various ways a case sealer adds value to a packaging operation, from labor savings to reduced worker injuries. While an automatic case sealer has a lower risk of injury than workers sealing packages by hand, operating this heavy machinery poses its own risk if mishandled. Learn about how to safely use an automatic case sealer to reduce the risk of work-related injuries and prevent inventory from becoming damaged during the sealing process.

Evaluate the Environment

The materials of a case sealer machine can expose workers to pollutants or cause injury if the materials aren’t suitable for the work environment. For example, if you’re in a humid climate with frequent exposure to saltwater, you’ll need a stainless steel framework for your case sealer to prevent the material from corroding.

Assess Switches and Wires

You should look at the state of switches and wires routinely before operating machinery like a case sealer. Faulty switches and wires are responsible for electrocution and other related injuries on a worksite. Make it a habit to assess a case sealer for live wires or broken coatings before operation.

Use Protective Equipment

It’s important to reinforce the use of safe operation equipment inside a manufacturing facility. In the case of handling an automatic case sealer, it’s especially vital to be mindful of hazard warnings for the type you’re using. It’s best to place a copy of the safety guidelines in a visible place for workers to have as a reference whenever operating an automatic case sealer.

Case sealers are an investment to help guarantee the concise sealing of products every time. The automated design reduces the manual labor that workers need to do. But you should show operators how to safely use automatic case sealers to avoid injuring workers and compromising long-term business profits.

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