How to Clean Red Wine Stains on the Upholstery?

Wine spills are quite common but the red wine stain can be a headache and ruin your beautiful upholstery. You can get professional upholstery in Sydney with us for 100% effective results. Although wine stains should be treated as immediately as you can. You may not be able to get professional services right away, so what should you do immediately to deal with wine spill stains? Here we talk about some DIY tips and ideas to treat the red wine stains right away. 

DIY Ways to Clean Red Wine Stains

White wine

Yes! White wine. Run and fetch white wine and pour it on the red wine stain the same amount that you spilled of red wine, let it set and then wipe it away. If the reddish highlight is still visible, spread a bit of baking soda and after a while you’ll see the red wine stain gone.

Soda water/ carbonated water

If you have soda water or carbonated water available, spray it on the red wine stain and wipe it away gently, repeat it a few times for results. Soda water usually doesn’t damage upholstery material and it is safe to use it on the couch as well.

Hydrogen peroxide

Grab the hydrogen peroxide and saturate the red wine stain with it and let it settle. After a while you can swipe it away. Use a hairdryer to dry the surface and voila! It should be clean and fresh now.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

To remove red wine stains you can use baking soda and vinegar. Make a paste of the two and apply it on the stain and let it sit for a while. You will observe bubbles as the chemical process between molecules takes place and treat the red stain. After a while use damp cloth and wipe it away. If the stain is stubborn or old, repeat the process a couple times.


Take small amounts of detergent and dilute it with water, use it to gently clean the red wine stain. Then wipe the surface with clean water a few times to remove wine residue, dirt and excess soap solution.

It is possible that DIY methods may not be 100% effective if the spill has reached layers beneath the surface. Even if the surface looks clean, layers beneath could still be ruined. Also, as an immediate solution DIY methods can work to help prevent the stain from getting worse, but later on it is recommended to have professional cleaning done to make sure any deep damage is not ignored. You don’t have to go far looking for the best professional upholstery cleaning service in Sydney as you can book online best professional cleaners.

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