How to build and deploy a voice chatbot with Langchain?

Are you searching to build and deploy a Voice AI Chatbot app? If so, you’re in the right place! In this post, you will get through creating a voice chatbot, and you can also Hire Langchain developer who can understand and respond to voice commands in real time. Actually, it would serve many purposes.

There are numerous things you need to go through. To build the chatbot we need to implement several Python libraries. In order to run a chatbot we need to create a web app. Basically, it allows users to interact very easily with the chatbot through the browser. In order to create a voice chatbot app, we need:

Certainly, here’s a more concise and varied breakdown of the points:

Requirements.txt: Lists essential Python packages for project setup and model deployment via pip. Required for Hugging Face Spaces.

Voice Input: Gradio makes it easy for users to input audio through their microphone, enabling voice recording as model input.

Speech to Text (STT): User speech is transcribed to text using the SpeechRecognition library, allowing the chatbot to process it.

Translator: For non-English speakers, the Mtranslate library translates text into English using the Google Translate API.

Response Generation: Facebook’s Blenderbot generates relevant responses based on user input, followed by translation into the user’s language.

Text to Speech (TTS): TTS converts chatbot responses into audio for voice interaction with users.

Huggingface Account: Sign up for a Hugging Face account to deploy your app on Huggingface Spaces.

To build and deploy this app, we’ll use BentoML: a Python framework for model serving and deployment.

BentoML not only helps you build services that connect to third-party proprietary APIs. It also supercharges those services by combining them with other open-source models, resulting in complex and powerful inference graphs.

In fact, the app we’ll be building will have speech-to-text and text-to-speech tasks that will be handled by separate models from the HuggingFace hub and an LLM task that LangChain will manage. After testing the project locally, we will push it to BentoCloud, a platform that smoothes the process of versioning, tracking, and deploying ML services to the cloud.

Here are the steps on how to build and deploy a voice chatbot with Langchain:

  • Install the Langchain framework: You can do this by following the instructions on the Langchain website.
  • Gather your data and prepare it for processing: This data could be in the form of text, audio, or video. You will need to clean and preprocess the data so that it is in a format that Langchain can understand.
  • Train an LLM model: Langchain uses large language models (LLMs) to power its chatbots. You can train an LLM model using the Langchain framework or you can use a pre-trained LLM model.
  • Develop a voice chatbot: You can use the Langchain framework to develop a voice chatbot. The framework provides a number of tools and resources that can help you build a chatbot that is customized to your needs.
  • Deploy your chatbot: Once you have developed your chatbot, you can deploy it to a cloud platform or to your own servers.

Here are the additional steps on how to build and deploy a voice chatbot with Langchain:

  1. Install the BentoML framework. You can do this by following the instructions on the BentoML website.
  1. Create a new BentoML project. You can do this by running the following command:

bentoml init

  1. Add the Langchain framework to your project. You can do this by running the following command:

bentoml install langchain

  1. Create a BentoML service for your voice chatbot. You can do this by running the following command:

bentoml service create voice_chatbot

  1. Add the speech-to-text and text-to-speech models to your service. You can do this by running the following commands:

bentoml service add voice_chatbot speech_to_text huggingface/transformers/wav2vec2-base

bentoml service add voice_chatbot text_to_speech huggingface/transformers/tts/tts.en-us

  1. Add the LLM model to your service. You can do this by running the following command:

bentoml service add voice_chatbot llm langchain/llama-2

  1. Configure your service. You can do this by editing the voice_chatbot.yaml file.
  2. Test your service locally. You can do this by running the following command:

bentoml service run voice_chatbot

  1. Deploy your service to the cloud. You can do this by running the following command:

bentoml service deploy voice_chatbot

Here are some additional tips for building and deploying a voice chatbot with Langchain:

  • Use a pre-trained LLM model. This will save you time and effort in training your own model.
  • Use a cloud platform that supports BentoML. This will make it easier to deploy your service.
  • Document your service. This will help you to keep track of your code and configuration.
  • Test your service regularly. This will help you to identify and fix any problems.


Building and deploying a voice chatbot with Langchain involves several key steps: installing Langchain, preparing data, training an LLM model, developing the chatbot, and deploying it. Additionally, integrating BentoML enhances the capabilities of your chatbot, enabling speech-to-text and text-to-speech tasks. With these tools and frameworks, you can create a powerful voice chatbot tailored to your needs, deploy it to the cloud, and continuously refine its performance.

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