How to Be More Mindful of Your Energy Usage

If you ask business owners to name one major expense that is also unpredictable, the answer for the majority would be their energy bills. Businesses spend billions on their energy expenses annually, while most of the energy consumption is in the form of electricity. 

While the rising energy bills are a concern, there is also a growing need for individuals and organizations to be more heedful of their impact on the environment and reduce their carbon footprint and emissions. The world we live in is changing drastically. While there are growing concerns over depleting energy sources, there is also an increasing awareness among individuals and businesses to be more energy efficient. Hence, whether the aim is to reduce energy expenditure or to contribute towards improving the eco-system, here are some ways your business can be more mindful of its energy usage. 

Organize an energy audit

The first thing you must do to optimize your energy usage is to determine the business’s baseline energy usage so you can ascertain ways through which you can save energy. You can engage a utility company to conduct an energy audit, which will inspect your location to check for any loopholes in the system, detect insulation or leakage issues and recommend options for energy-efficient lighting. 

Invest in energy-efficient equipment

Office equipment and appliances in a business are major sources of energy consumption. Hence, before buying or leasing office equipment, you must ensure it is energy efficient. Moreover, if the equipment is old or worn out, it may consume more energy. To prevent this from happening, ensure regular cleaning and maintenance of the equipment.

Update your technology

If you are using outdated technology, consider replacing it with new sustainable technology. For example, you can replace conventional lighting with energy-efficient alternatives like LEDs. You can also install motion sensor lights for areas that are not frequently visited. Similarly, if the photocopier or printers are outdated, consider replacing them with new energy-efficient models. It may seem like a hefty investment, but you will save considerably on energy consumption in the long run.

Turn off unnecessary lights and equipment

It is an office norm to keep all lights on during the day, even when the room is not in use. Counsel your workforce and encourage the habit of turning off unnecessary lights and making maximum use of natural sunlight where possible. 

Also, counsel your employees not to leave the office equipment and kitchen appliances like computers, printers, photocopiers, coffee machines, or microwaves in standby mode when not in use. All these equipment and appliances must be turned off at the end of the day and for the weekend as they consume energy even when in standby mode.

Use smart thermostats

If the office timings in your business are 9 to 5, consider getting smart thermostats so that the temperature can be managed during the off hours. Also, consider turning the thermostat down by one to two points during the winter or bringing the cooling level down by one or two degrees. This will have a considerable impact on your energy consumption. Keep the windows covered during the summer season to keep the heat out, and push back the blinds and curtains during the winter season to let sunlight warm the room naturally.

Consider an alternate energy supplier

If you feel your energy utilization is efficient, but your bills are higher than they should be, you may want to switch to another energy supplier. One way to go about this is to work with energy brokers who can help you reduce your gas and electricity expenses by providing you with economical options for your gas and energy requirements.

Final Word

The article highlights some of the many ways you can be energy efficient and conserve energy. However, if you, as a business owner, are looking for ways to reduce energy usage, you can only get so far. You can make a real difference by bringing your workforce on board and inspiring your employees to be more mindful of their energy usage during their daily work routines. Energy efficiency is not just a buzzword; it must be a prevalent mindset in your organization if you want to achieve effective results.

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