How PRP Technology Works for Hair Loss

Hair loss can be stressful, especially when you don’t have a clue what is causing it. In addition, when your hair stops growing, it strips out your self-confidence. The good news is that all is not lost, and you can still restore your hair using various ways of hair restoration. The three most effective hair restoration methods include hair transplant procedures, PRP hair treatment therapy, and micro scalp pigmentation. To get the best possible treatment for hair loss, you need to consult a specialist who will tell you what kind of hair you are suffering from and the effective treatments available. 

PRP for hair loss treatment was discovered the other day, meaning that it is one of the newest techniques used to restore hair loss. In this post, we will explain to you how this method of hair restoration is performed and what makes it work. If you opt to undergo PRP for hair loss therapy, read this post first to be enlightened. 

What is PRP Hair Treatment Therapy? 

PRP in full stands for platelet-rich plasma, administered into the patient’s scalp to rejuvenate dormant hair follicles through injections. Although PRP therapy has been around for years, it was majorly used to treat various injuries that affected body tissues such as muscles, tendons, joints, and ligaments. Platelets are tiny body cells generated in the bone marrow responsible for new cells’ regeneration and healing. When anybody’s tissue is damaged from an injury, platelets will form a clot on the wound to stop further bleeding. PRP therapy is a regenerative type of treatment that works naturally using the patient’s blood compound. 

PRP therapy working

In PRP hair treatment therapy, platelet-rich plasma needs to be extracted first from the patient’s blood. Our blood contains several components that help to carry out different functions in the body. These blood components include red blood cells whose function is to carry oxygen from the lungs to other parts of the body and return with CO2. The white blood cells are responsible for protecting the body from harmful pathogens and germs. In addition, they contain antibodies that fight alien cells that attack the body. And then, we have plasma with a high concentration of platelets which promotes cell growth and healing whenever there is an injury. 

For PRP therapy to work, PRP needs to be extracted from the patient’s blood. This is done by drawing a blood sample and putting it in a centrifuge machine where it is spun rapidly for 10 minutes to separate different blood compounds, including platelet-rich plasma. Once the blood sample is removed from the centrifuge machine, it will be divided into three separate layers – the red blood cells, platelet-rich plasma, and platelet-poor plasma. 

PRP is then extracted and mixed with another solution to enhance its effectiveness when treating hair loss. Using a syringe, the surgeon will draw the PRP solution and inject it into the patient’s scalp area undergoing thinning hair or loss. PRP contains growth factors responsible for rejuvenation weak or dormant hair follicles. It also increases blood supply in hair follicles which carries nutrients that strengthen hair strands. 

PRP for hair loss therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that is only performed through injections. Local anesthetic has to be applied first to reduce pain and discomfort. Once the procedure is done, the patient is allowed to go home to heal and recover. Once the patient heals, he or she will have to visit the doctor once every 4 or 6 months for maintenance treatment. 

How Much Does PRP for Hair Loss Therapy Cost? 

The cost of having PRP for hair loss depends on geographical location, nutritional components, and equipment quality. A reliable clinic will charge you about $1,500–$3,500 to perform a PRP procedure. If a surgeon goes lower than this price quote, the results may not be desirable.


Hair restoration procedures have undergone significant improvements in the last few years, providing cutting-edge technologies to treat various forms of hair loss. PRP hair treatment is among the newest techniques used to restore lost hair. To get the best results, seek services from reputable clinics that offer outstanding hair restoration treatments. 

About the Guest Author

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at He is an
Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneurs launch their first successful
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