Have you ever noticed the fact that you feel better when you’re around your pet? Perhaps, you have noticed this fact subconsciously, but never really questioned it.
Animals can make you feel good. They have also been said to reduce depression and anxiety, ease loneliness and stress, encourage exercise and playfulness, and even improve your cardiovascular health. Moreover, pets bring us joy and unconditional love.
How is this possible? Well, here’s how:
1. More Exercise!
It’s a known fact that exercise helps relieve anxiety, depression and heart diseases; and owning pet gets you to do more exercises. If you own a dog or a very active animal, you’d know that that pet needs to be walked daily and played with.
2. Stress soothers.
Just watching, or playing with pets alone can reduce stress. Stroking or petting your furry friend feels really good. Did you know that it helps your body relax and cuts down the level of stress? It takes only a few minutes with your pet to feel calm and less stressed
3. Social magnets.
Owning a pet can provide social incentive that can reduce loneliness. If you live alone, it is important for you to get a pet to avoid loneliness which is a risk factor for depression. Pets give you the confidence to communicate with other pet lovers, as you will have a common ground. Your pet also creates social circles for you (an instance is when you meet other dog lovers at the Vet’s). One key to mentally health is to stay in contact with other humans and pet owners tend to converse among themselves.
4. Live life!
Pet owners are generally happier, less lonely and more trusting. Spending quality time with your pet can have a positive impact on your mood and health. You can also explore platforms like BetterHelp that are helping people to improve their mental health.
5. Give a sense of purpose.
Owning a pet comes with great responsibility, i.e. a pet owner has someone to care for, and someone he’s responsible for. Pets are fully dependent on their owners and looking after them gives the owners a sense of purpose.
6. Social support for autistic kids.
Children with Autism Sensory Disorder have sensory issues. Animals are used in sensory integration activities to help them get used to the way some things feel against their skin and also, to get used to certain smells and sounds. With this level of social support, even the mental health of these kids is positively affected.
Pets are part of our day-to-day lives and part of our families. So owning a pet doesn’t mean that you get all the benefits. Your pet wants to be loved too! Here are ways to care for your pets;
- Have a veterinarian for your pet
- Promote a conducive environment
- Think about their food. Make sure your pet has food that suits him and please don’t feed him normal people food
- Clean your pet. Create a regular cleaning routine, cleaning your animal and its living space. Most animals can take care of themselves but only need cleaning when they get dirty. Keep up with grooming products such as brushes, combs, accessories, shampoos and oils; like cbd for dogs etc.
- Giving your pet attention. That could be making time for your pet, training and giving him the love and care that he needs.
There’s nothing more satisfying than the delight of coming home to a loyal friend. People with pets know how much their pets improve the lives. Although, it’s not only about love and care –pets provide a wellness boost too.
Now, you might be wondering what is the best small dog breed for ideal parenting experience? There are many to choose, the only condition is that are you ready to give immense love and caring to your pet?
The unrestricted love of a pet can do more than keep you company. In summary, it has been discovered that on an emotional level, owning a pet can reduce depression, stress and anxiety. On a more general health-wise note, it lowers blood pressure, boosts immunity and decreases risks of heart problems.