How Environmental Factors Affect Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplant Los Angeles gives the best solutions for hair loss. They offer the most recent hair transplant techniques. A hair transplant is essential, and every patient has unique hair loss issues. Balding is a genetic problem, and it is a problem that affects most people. Hair loss problems may damage your self-confidence, ultimately that the reason why hair transplant Los Angeles gives you the best hair transplant services. The clinics there have qualified doctors who will advise you on the best hair loss solution. There several environmental factors that affect hair transplantation and here they are;


Dirty hair has some toxins and carcinogens in it. These elements prevent the proteins used for hair growth, and this leads to hair loss. According to the experts, when these pollutants enter the bloodstream, body, or the skin, it affects the hair follicles. This is the reason why places with filthy conditions have many bald people. Their hair growth is affected by air pollution.

Hard Water

Another vital environmental factor that may affect hair transplantation directly is hard water. The recent research shows that regions with more PPM parts per million have more bald people. A high amount of calcium, magnesium, and silica causes hair to dry and breaks them. The conditions will then lead to rapid hair loss.

Chemical Elements that Damage Hair

Chlorine is among the most common chemical elements that you will find in swimming pools. The chemical destroys and wrecks your hair. Chlorine does not directly connect with baldness, but it is often responsible for affecting the overall growth of the hair. Always make sure to avoid this chemical at any cost.

Heat and Sun

Exposing yourself to direct sunlight for a long time may lead to continual hair loss. Sunburn to your head may initiate a male pattern baldness state. Whereby more than usual, hair follicles start to grow resting. The head and sun can worsen the hair loss problem.

Hair loss is a delicate matter that can create psychological harm to both men and women in this state. Many hair loss treatments are popular and affordable. Make sure to seek help from an expert if you are going through hair loss. During the consultation, the surgeon will advise you on the best hair loss treatment depending on the extent of the hair loss.


According to research, smoking affects the blood flow in your body. It stops the blood from reaching the head to stimulate the growth of hair follicles. The hair follicles require a regular amount of oxygen and essential nutrients for perfect growth. Smoking decreases or stops the flow of blood to the hair follicles, leading to hair loss issues.


A diet that has less or lacks essential vitamins and minerals can alter the rate and state of your hair follicles. A diet full of sugar, salt, or fat will affect the growth of your hair and your health as well.


When the dust becomes attracted to your scalp, it will rigger allergies called inflammation and scalp infections. You will start to experience an itchy scalp which is mild in the beginning. If you do not visit the doctor immediately, more hair will begin to fall out.

Importance of Hair Transplant

Hair transplants do not contain any complications. They are protected provided, and you will have to seek the best doctors to prevent any risks. Some patients may feel mild swelling, redness, and crusting postoperatively.

The method used in hair transplant is essential. FUE is one of the most popular methods. The technique requires less time, and it is also less invasive. FUE hair transplant has minimal side effects, and the outcome is always permanent and natural. But again, you need to go for the best clinics to avoid these complications.

After the hair transplant process, you will be able to get the hair density of your youth. They are also a great success if done with experienced surgeons. These doctors always give a positive outcome. Always make sure to avoid these environmental factors.

Hair transplant Los Angeles also helps in improving your overall appearance. People who have hair loss problems or are bald tend to be disappointed with their looks. After the surgery, they get hope because the procedure is natural and permanent as well.

The process also needs little maintenance because it works like regular hair. You will not require any special chemicals or shampoos to maintain your hair.


Hair loss is a sensitive issue because it may cause psychological damage. Hair transplant Los Angeles offers the best services for both men and women going through hair loss. Hair treatment solutions have become popular more than ever. It would be wise if you researched the best hair treatment method for your hair loss problem.

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