Home cleaning schedule for organized people

Maintaining a clean and organized home can feel like an uphill battle, especially when you’re busy with work, family, or other obligations. However, for Australian homeowners who prioritize cleanliness and organization, establishing a regular cleaning schedule is essential for keeping a home in tip-top shape. By breaking down cleaning tasks into manageable chunks and spreading them out over time, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. We’ll explore some tips and strategies for creating a home cleaning schedule that works for you and your household.

Prepare for cleaning

Preparing for a cleaning session is not just about gathering the supplies you need. It’s also important to get yourself in the right mindset. A good way to start is by setting a specific goal for what you want to achieve during the cleaning session. Whether it’s deep cleaning the kitchen, tidying up the living room, or decluttering your bedroom, having a clear goal in mind can help you stay focused and motivated. It can also be helpful to break the task into smaller, more manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Remember to take breaks as needed and stay hydrated throughout the cleaning session to avoid burnout.

Once you’ve got your head in the game, it’s time to gather the supplies you’ll need. Depending on the task at hand, this might include cleaning products like all-purpose cleaners, window cleaners, and furniture polish, as well as tools like sponges, scrub brushes, and microfiber cloths. Make sure to stock up on essentials like garbage bags, paper towels, and rubber gloves, too.

Choose a room to start with

Deciding which room to start with can be an important step in creating an efficient and effective cleaning schedule. A good rule of thumb is to tackle the messiest or most cluttered room first, as this can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation for the rest of the cleaning session. For some, starting with a smaller room like a bathroom or laundry room can help build momentum before moving on to larger areas like living rooms or bedrooms. Alternatively, starting with the room that’s used most frequently, like the kitchen or living room, can help ensure that your efforts are immediately visible and impactful.

Another factor to consider when choosing which room to start with is the time of day. Some people find that starting with the most difficult room early in the morning helps set a productive tone for the rest of the day. Others prefer to tackle cleaning a work station or productive corner in the afternoon or evening when they have more energy and are less likely to be interrupted.

Get the clutter out

Decluttering before you start cleaning your home can be an effective way to streamline your cleaning routine and create a more efficient and organized living space. One of the benefits of decluttering before cleaning is that it can help you see what needs to be cleaned more clearly. When surfaces are cluttered with unnecessary items, it can be difficult to tell what is dirty and what is not. By decluttering first, you’ll be able to see what you’re working with and avoid wasting time cleaning things that don’t need it.

Another advantage of decluttering before cleaning is that it can make the actual cleaning process easier and faster. When surfaces are clutter-free, you’ll have more room to move and be able to clean more thoroughly.

Know when to delegate cleaning tasks

Knowing when to delegate cleaning tasks can be an important part of maintaining a clean and organized home, especially if you have a busy schedule or other obligations. One way to delegate cleaning tasks is to enlist the help of family members or roommates, especially if they contribute to the mess. You might assign specific tasks or rooms to different people to ensure that everyone is pulling their weight. Delegating cleaning tasks can also be a great way to teach responsibility and help others develop important life skills.

In addition to delegating tasks, another option to consider is hiring a house cleaning service in Melbourne. A cleaning service can provide a thorough and deep clean of your home on a regular basis, which can help reduce stress and free up time for other activities.

Choose when to clean

Choosing the right days to clean your home is an important part of creating a cleaning schedule that works for you. One factor to consider is your personal schedule, as it’s important to choose days and times when you’re least likely to be interrupted or distracted by other obligations. For some Australians, this might mean cleaning on the weekends when they have more free time, while others might prefer to clean during the week when they have more energy and motivation. Consider your work schedule, family commitments, and other factors when choosing which days to clean.

Another factor to consider is the overall condition of your home. If you’ve been keeping up with regular cleaning and maintenance, you might only need to clean once a week or less. However, if you’ve been busy or haven’t had time to keep up with cleaning, you might need to clean more frequently. Be realistic about your cleaning needs and schedule accordingly. Remember that it’s okay to adjust your cleaning schedule as needed, depending on your changing needs and priorities.


Creating a home cleaning schedule can be a great way to keep your living space clean, organized, and functional. By preparing mentally, choosing which room to start with, focusing on decluttering, picking the right days to clean, and delegating tasks as needed, you can create a cleaning routine that works for you and your lifestyle. 

Remember to be realistic about your cleaning needs and priorities, and don’t be afraid to adjust your schedule as needed. Whether you prefer to clean on your own or enlist the help of others, the most important thing is to create a space that feels comfortable and welcoming. By following these tips and committing to a regular cleaning routine, you’ll be well on your way to a cleaner, more organized home.

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