Guide to Starting Your Podcast

One of the best ways to reach an audience in today’s connected world is through the use of a podcast. This unique communication avenue is highly accessible and affordable to produce in both production and dissemination. While the learning curve is not steep on a podcast, there are a few things that you are going to need to do before you get started. Here are five tips to follow when starting your podcast.

Choose Your Focus and Create a Name

Before you even think about the details of your podcast, you are going to need to narrow down your focus. The fate of your podcast will largely depend on the focus and theme that you choose. The goal is to find a niche market that has not yet been addressed. Picking a topic that has already been saturated will make it more difficult for you to win over listening ears.

You will also need to create a catchy name for your podcast. Choosing a name that is naturally broader than your intended topic will give you more flexibility when you begin recording. While you want a name that sends the right message, you will also want it to be general enough to be able to cast a wider should you choose to go in a slightly different direction.

Consider the Details

Once you have the general focus and name in mind, it is time to dive into all of the details of pulling this off. One of the biggest things to consider is whether you are going to use a co-host. A co-host helps to move along the conversation and provide different points of view. Be sure to choose someone who you know you work well with but that will provide a good yin to your yang in discussions.

You will also need to decide on the format of your podcast. Will it be more scripted or do you want it to be off the cuff? Breaking your podcast up into well-defined segments will make it easier to produce, promote, and digest. Other elements to consider include the length of the podcast and the overall style. Are you aiming to be serious or is your goal to produce a light-hearted listening experience?

Procure Equipment and Tools

You cannot expect to pull off a winning podcast without the right tools and equipment at your disposal. The key to any quality podcast is a good quality microphone. You will also need to invest in solid recording equipment.

A poly headset is recommended because of its ideal weight and soft cushioning that makes them comfortable to wear. The premium audio quality will ensure that you can hear your guests and communicate effectively. You do not want to skimp on the equipment that you will need to pull off a professional podcast.

Plot First Season

It is a good idea to have a general idea of how your first season is going to look. While you do not need to nail down all of the details, having a plan in place will help to guide your decisions as you prepare to launch.

This means that you need to start reaching out to potential guests and gauge their interest in appearing on your show. Having a list of guests ready to go will help you to be flexible as you launch your first season.

Market and Promote

Once you have all of the details nailed down, it is time to start marketing and promoting your podcast. To build an audience, you are going to need to get the word out. The topic of interest and the target audience of your podcast will dictate what venues to use for marketing.

If your target market skews younger, you will naturally want to invest more time and effort in digital marketing that reaches this audience. There are several podcast hosting sites that will help you to market your products to the right people.

Once you have these five things checked off your to-do list, it is time to have fun and begin recording your podcast. With the right preparation and execution, this will be the easy part of getting your product out into the airwaves.

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