Guide on What to Expect in Veneer Implant Surgery

While not many people get excited about visiting the dentist, the prospect of going in for porcelain veneer implants can be something to look forward to. Porcelain veneers are the ultimate in smile enhancement. They can transform people’s appearance and provide them with the smile they always wanted.

Preparing for the Procedure

While the prospect of getting dental veneer implant surgery can be exciting, planning for the procedure itself can be a bit overwhelming. Obtaining dental implants of any kind will take some preparation before, during, and after the procedure.

1. Before the Surgery: Dental Consultation and Preparation

Veneers Consultation

You can schedule a consultation once you have decided that porcelain veneers are the type of procedure that you want. During the consultation, your dentist will thoroughly examine you and determine if you are a candidate for the procedure. During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to talk about your goals and ask the dentist about various aspects of the procedure.

Preparing Your Mouth

Most people who are considering getting dental veneers will first need to have their teeth cleaned. If they are healthy and free from decay, then a deep cleaning is usually enough to remove the plaque and other harmful materials from their teeth.

However, if they have other oral health issues, such as gum disease or tooth decay, then they may need more treatment procedures before veneer surgery. The healthier your teeth are before the surgery, the longer the veneers will last.

Preparing Yourself Before the Procedure

While you are preparing for the procedure, make sure that you eat a soft-food diet. This will allow you to eat properly while wearing temporary veneers. You should reschedule certain dinner dates or change your meals.

2. During the Surgery: What Happens During Your Visits

Preparation and Placing of Temporary Veneers

Your temporary veneers will be placed during your first visit, and your teeth will be prepped. During this process, your dentist will thoroughly clean and prepare your teeth. They will also take impressions of the prepared teeth. While your permanent veneers are getting made at the dental lab, you will be fitted with temporary veneers.

Permanent Veneer Placement

After around two weeks, your permanent veneers will be ready to be shipped back to the dentist. During your next visit, your temporary veneers will be taken out and your prepped teeth will be prepared for maximum adhesion.

Your dentist will make sure that your veneers are fitted and look natural. Following the procedure, you will be scheduled for a follow-up appointment. This will allow you to get the best possible care.

3. After the Procedure: Healing and Taking Care of Your New Veneers

Healing After the Procedure

After your first visit, you may feel a little discomfort. It can be caused by the materials used to prepare your teeth, or it can be caused by the way your mouth feels with the new veneers. To minimize discomfort, you can use over-the-counter pain relievers. Follow the aftercare instructions that you will receive from your dentist.

Most people will get back to their normal routines within a week or so. However, some individuals may feel a little sensitivity as they start wearing their permanent veneers. It might take a couple of weeks before they fully adjust to their new set.

Caring for Temporary Veneers

While wearing temporary veneers, you should avoid eating solid food as these can cause them to break or even pop loose. Since these are not as durable as their permanent counterparts, you should contact your dentist immediately if they break.

Although wearing temporary veneers can be tedious, it’s important to remember that they will only be used for a short time before your permanent teeth are ready.

Caring For Your Permanent Veneers

Taking care of your permanent veneers can be done the same as with your natural teeth. They should be brushed twice a day, and you should floss at least once a day. You should avoid drinking coffee, tea, wine, and other solid food products that can stain your veneers. Although porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, they can still stain with certain foods and drinks. Unlike natural teeth, porcelain veneers cannot be whitened.

Final Thoughts

Veneers make getting the smile you’ve always wanted a possibility. Planning and preparing for the procedure can help make it a smoother process.

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