Get the All News in India You Need with the Best News Apps

With so much happening in India, it is incredibly difficult to stay in the loop even if you live in India, let alone if you’re located in another part of the world but you want to know what’s happening on the great Asian peninsula. From social news to politics and sports, you can spend 24 hours every day and still not catch up to everything that’s going on considering how much news outlets you need to go through.

To make the job a bit easier, we decided to check what news apps enable users to filter out Indian news without getting cut short on important global news related to India. Fortunately, our search brought us to a particular website that has a highly specific list of the best 10 apps for news in India.

Top Apps for Indian News

This made our job so much easier since we didn’t have to download one app at the time and test it out. Instead, we could simply cherry pick the best ones and here are 3 we really like and think are the best.

 Best News Apps in India 

News Break – Multiple Sources in One Place

We’d like to start with a more general app. Although this one isn’t specifically just for Indian news, it’s not specifically for any country’s news or topic for that matter. Instead, it’s more of an organizing tool where you can create your own news library and filter out what you want to get. For example, let’s say you’re interested in Indian breaking news, movie updates and a bit what’s happening outside India. You can filter so you get only get that specific news from around the world without getting overwhelmed by the information you don’t find interesting. The app makes it super easy and after you spend the first 15 minutes configuring the settings you’re 100% ready to get only the news you want.

It needs to be noted although the app has the feature for audio news, the feature can be laggy from time to time. So if you’re one of those people that enjoy listening to news rather than reading, this might not be the best option. But, if you prefer reading and you want neatly organize your daily update, this is the go-to app.

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Cricbuzz – Everything Cricket

If you’re into cricket, you know that every day there’s something happening and ignoring the news just for a few days can result in you being completely out of the loop. Luckily, Cricbuzz makes following cricket extremely easy and intuitive. Besides setting up the language, you can also set up for what teams you want to get news, score updates or player changes. The app is simple and straightforward and that’s its biggest strength. It delivers what it’s supposed to deliver – nothing more, nothing less. If you need a quick way to stay cricket-updated and you’re leading a daily busy life, this is definitely the app you want to try out.

One feature we didn’t particularly like is called Cricbuzz Commentary. The intention of having people freely share their thoughts about cricket is great, it sort of reminds of Twitter. But in reality, the channels are clogged with spams and you’ll rarely find something interesting. This isn’t the developer’s fault naturally and if you need a reliable source of cricket information, Cricbuzz is the way to go.

News by The Times of India Newspaper

Being such a massive news outlet, it’s no wonder the Times has its specific outlet for news in India. This one is best for people who want to get a little bit of everything without the need to get too specific on any topic. The app covers everything you’d expect and as such makes a great source of basic news and keeping you in the general loop of everything happening in India. You can choose between snappy briefs where in just a couple of sentences you’ll get the basic information or you can read insightful, long articles that will get to the core of the matter. Finally, there’s also the option to watch TV news if you feel like watching and listening besides just reading.

One thing that’s a bit unexpected is the seemingly overwhelming number of entertainment articles. We’re not sure if it’s because that’s what the reader’s demand and it’s most read, but sometimes you can get lost in useless Bollywood articles while looking for serious political news for example. Nevertheless, the app is still worth downloading if you need a general coverage of everything India.

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And that’s it. Although we’re positive there’s more to cover when it comes to news apps, these are our top 3 picks that should cover the basic need for India-related news.

If you have any apps to suggest, be sure to let us know so we can check them out. Thanks for reading.

| About the Guest Author:

Alia Anderson

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