Emojis That Have Sexual Implications

Sexting and flirting through chat or text is a widespread thing now. With this, you can send or convey your sexual energy with the use of emojis alone. You can set the vibe with these emojis and possibly further cultivate your relationship with that particular someone. These emojis with sexual implications are some of the most fun ways to text, chat, or interact digitally.

It is essential to learn about the emojis that have some kind of sexual implications. You can step your text or chat game up with the help of these sexual and sexy emojis. Use these emojis at the proper time and towards the appropriate person! Here are some emojis that have sexy and quirky meanings.

The Tongue Emoji 👅

The tongue is an emoji of a body part that has another meaning other than being a body part. Believe it or not, the tongue emoji is quite a popular emoji found in sexts or sexy conversations. We can see why the tongue emoji is an often-used emoji in sexting because it involves the act of licking, in this case, licking passionately. 

You can still use the tongue emoji to point out any mouthfeel or taste of food. However, if you use it in a sexual context, the mouthfeel we might be talking about is sexual nature. 

You can use the tongue emoji as your quirky yet sexy way of rising sexual tension with your partner. When he or she receives the tongue emoji implied sexually, you both know that it is about to go down!

The Eggplant Emoji 🍆

The eggplant emoji can be more than an emoji of your favorite vegetable. The eggplant emoji is what people often use to imply things of sexual intent. It resembles men’s genitalia, and given that there is no emoji of the male genitalia, people often refer to their private parts with the eggplant emoji. 

If your partner sends you an eggplant emoji with a winky face, you should know that it is about to go down. The eggplant emoji can then be the start of something passionate that is about to happen. It is also a frequently-used emoji on dating apps and platforms because, apparently, people need to talk about their “eggplants” as the major topic. 

You can pair the eggplant emoji with emojis such as the sweat emoji. It all depends on which emoji you can pair it with getting creative in your way of sexting.

The Peach Emoji 🍑

People seem to get creative when it is time to describe a sensitive body part in an emoji. We do not believe that people will come up with emojis for sensitive body parts. So, use innocent emojis of fruits and vegetables to describe the sexiest and most sensitive parts of our bodies. 

The peach emoji is a frequently-used emoji that refers to a female’s bottom or butt. If you pay close attention to everything on social media, you can see this emoji used on attractive people with a “physique.” Especially when they have been doing leg day and squats for quite some time now, the peach emoji is a must-have on your arsenal of sexual emojis.

If you decide to step up the sexual tension between you and your partner, you can combine the peach emoji with any hand emojis. Use the peach emoji together with the raised hand emoji, and your partner will automatically know what you mean.

The Point Emoji + OK Hand Gesture Emoji

The combination of the point to the right emoji and the OK hand emoji is something that we all know back from our innocent childhoods. Call it immature or something, but we all used these hand gestures as our childish way of describing sex. And now, you can use these hand gestures to sext or beg for some action to happen.

It would be a grave, foolish, and dire mistake to use these emojis on a person in which you just started dating recently. However, if you find yourself on a dating site or app looking for something casual, put these hand gestures on your profile bio.

The Sweat Emoji 💦

The sweat emoji, in a sexual context, can still mean a thousand things. The sweat emoji can easily be the sweat that you and your partner have for getting down with each other and being passionate. 

However, in an even more sexual way, it can mean the liquid that all of us excrete when we satisfy our partners. You can use this emoji while sexting by pairing it with other sex emojis such as the tongue, eggplant, and peach emojis.


Sexting can be a great way to spice things up between you and your partner. Sexting can also be an excellent way to explore any relationship with someone you met on a dating site. Regardless of your purpose, you can use these emojis to step up your sexting game. Use these emojis as the ultimate icebreaker before getting down and being passionate with your partner.

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