7 Effective Ways to Improve Supply Chain Efficiency in the Oil & Gas Sector

With the global demand for oil failing steadily, companies are now scrambling to adjust to the world that’s constantly seeking more eco-friendly alternatives. The year 2020 was particularly bad due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and while the numbers have rebounded since, they’re not expected to fully recover in 2021. So, with COVID-19 still a threat and the general change in people’s mindset, how can the oil and gas companies stay afloat and avoid falling victim to the shifting tides of economic demands and human desire for clean energy. 

Besides business and technology tools that can help you cut costs, we’ll be offering advice that can give you a boost and help you keep your business. Here are several ways you can improve your supply efficiency and make sure your company stays successful. 

Cut costs

Cost cutting is really all about optimizing all of the systems within your company. It’s not about firing workers or cutting corners, it’s about efficiency. The first thing to do is examine how every part of the job is done, and map out the entire supply chain. Something as simple as improving Geotechnical Drilling techniques can quickly give you better results by boosting production. Find ways in which you can lower cost per barrel and make things smoother and easier for everyone involved. 

Adopt a new revenue model

If you’re operating under a very old business model it might be the time to make a change and switch things up. Lately, most oil and gas companies have been switching to performance-based contracts. Basically, they offer more equity in the company in exchange for better equipment and give themselves more capital to operate with. Investors will take on more responsibility, but this move could fix the cash flow in the company. It’s very important to retain good communication and collaborate closely together with everyone involved. 

Invest in better tools

Finding a way to smooth out the supply chain process is not the only way to speed things up and get more bang for your buck. Sometimes production bottlenecks are created because of faulty, outdated equipment, and it would benefit you greatly to invest in better pieces. Finding premium quality gate valves is particularly important because it will ensure there are no unexpected leaks and you can easily restrict the flow when needed. Efficient extraction equipment will reduce costs in the long run even though it might require an initial investment. 

Invest in supply chain market intelligence

Identifying sourcing options and costs is crucial if you want to stay on top of your game. You need to know when to change suppliers, find better deals, modify contracts to suit your business, and do a number of other small modifications that will allow you to adjust your business model to the current market demands. There are other important parts to know about the market. Finding better suppliers, figuring out smoother procurement processes, and finding ways to manage volatility or constrained resources.  

Train your workers

Similarly to faulty equipment, untrained and unmotivated workers can slow down the entire supply chain. The best way to speed everything up and make sure the process is entirely smooth is to invest time and money to train your workers. A single experienced worker is worth their weight in gold, and providing the resources and the training that will make them shine will pay off tenfold in the long run. Make sure that all your workers are well-organized and your entire supply chain will be well-organized. 

Improve transparency

It’s difficult to find good cost-saving strategies unless the entire supply chain process is completely transparent. What this means is that you need to keep track of transported material and analyze the way it’s being handled. Since industry standards are changing rapidly, you need to keep reassessing the supply chain, fixing any holes in it, and changing things to suit the modern requirements. This is the only way to do risk management effectively. 

Encourage good communication 

Keep all the channels of communications open for everyone involved in the supply chain. Nurturing good relationships with the partners, the carriers, and suppliers and giving them frequent updates so they can remain completely in the loop. Avoid concealing information and don’t attempt to present yourself in a better light – if you know a shipment will be late, then let relevant people know so that the chain may be readjusted instead of completely interrupted because everyone’s confused. If everyone is on the same page, then you’ll have a much easier time working together and making things happen. 

Wrapping up

Any business requires you to follow industry trends closely and make long-term plans based on predictions. You must be aware that the oil and gas industry is likely to come under more fire in the next few years, but that this doesn’t mean that people don’t still need these energy sources. Having complete clarity about the situation of your business will ensure you can navigate through the problems and keep your business successful

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