Lead time is an essential metric for many organizations. A company with a long lead time must forecast demand, purchase and produce inventory ahead of need, and maintain higher inventories than its competitor with shorter lead times. Longer lead times are less responsive to market changes because the production process needs more time between the order and delivery of a product. Longer lead times can have a negative effect on the bottom line. With vendors struggling to maintain their margins amidst tough competition, companies with longer lead times must be creative in reducing it.
1. Identify and Measure Lead Times
It is important to identify and measure your current lead times. You will be able to determine areas of improvement once you have them regularly. One good way to measure lead times is to use the lead time in your sales pipeline as an indicator of production speed. Information about the lead time helps you understand how fast you need to produce before your customers run out of inventory and need to pay for it all at once and how much your company spends on those products before they ever leave the warehouse.
2. Increase Order Frequency
To reduce the number of products you have in stock, you must increase your order frequency. As part of your planning process, analyze how your products are purchased or ordered. Are you looking at alternate channels, such as the internet or distribution systems? Remember that an increased order frequency will also result in more products in inventory, so you may want to consider reducing your inventory levels to ensure that all orders can be processed from one facility.
3. Reduce Inventory Turnover
Manage inventories carefully to reduce the turnover rate. If you have a low turnover, you have more stock and are paying more for it. Reducing inventory through the use of lean manufacturing techniques will help you to make fewer products, which will reduce your inventory levels and improve cash flow. Reducing inventory will also allow you to decrease your lead time if you are producing in batches. Check for available products at nearby locations or production facilities before ordering new inventories. Machine learning in manufacturing industry may help you automatically predict the inventory and lead time in advance.
4. Create and Maintain a Continuous Cycle
To keep costs low, you should never have excess inventory or materials sitting idle in a warehouse, on the transportation network, or between them. Every step of the way, from raw materials to retail, should be a continuous cycle where an item is not left idle for any longer than it needs to be. Inefficiencies should be identified to move quickly at every point along the chain.
5. Use Shorter Supply Chains and More Direct Shipping Methods
Longer supply chains often result in a longer lead time as well. You can identify unnecessary areas in your supply chain and eliminate or reduce them to eliminate excessive transport time. If this is not possible, you should consider using other types of transportation modes, including trucks or air transport, rather than the cargo ship or train you currently use.
6. Use Flexible Resources Across the Value Chain
Suppose there is a significant lag between when you order needed products and when they are delivered. In that case, it may be advantageous to develop relationships with other companies to combine orders for various items and reduce the time it takes for delivery instead of ordering items separately as necessary.
7. Convert to Standard Components
Some companies have too many unique parts and components designed to work together. Instead of developing new features to achieve the same result, identify areas where you can take a standardized part, make the modifications, and keep on going. This approach can reduce the lead time significantly since you will not suddenly have to wait for a new part to be manufactured or designed. You could also go a step further and develop better features that are more efficient in both material and time usage. You will also save money by not buying brand-name products that are expensive or no longer needed.
8. Create an Incentive Program
One of the most effective ways to reduce your lead time is to offer incentives for suppliers who could not achieve the same savings through their efforts. By offering them incentives, you can reduce the cost of supplies. This can be accomplished by using a common supply chain and paying only for the items provided in your supply chain. Over time, you will collect more and more items each time you make an order so that you can advertise that expired inventory is now available at a discount, which will create more sales.
Lead time reduction is the most effective and efficient way of achieving high performance in a business organization by reducing overall production time. The success of an organization depends on its ability to work efficiently in a short time and meet the customer’s requirements within the required period. Hence, managing products that come out of production is equally important as managing production itself.