Building a Resumé for A Career In 21st Century Nursing

Resumes are an important part of the job search process. Whether you are looking for a new nursing job or just want to refresh your existing resume, most nurses could do with some tips on how to make their resume more effective in today’s world.

There are currently more than 4 million nurses in the United States that work with patients at hospitals or other healthcare facilities. It goes without saying that nurses need a well-crafted resume to stand out from the crowd and capture a potential employer’s interest.

What are the Key Elements of an Effective Resume?

Building an effective resume looks different for every person. You should begin by asking yourself a few key questions:

What skills and experience do I have that employers value? 

Include facts, skills, and accomplishments that will highlight your talents and abilities. 

Are you bilingual? 

Include this fact on your resume as well. Especially if you have volunteered in another country. Include any experiences as well – this could include teaching English to children or volunteering with a homeless shelter.

Have you got any extra qualifications?

You may have taken extra CPD courses such as the Professional Nursing Pathways Program Online, or done volunteer work that could be listed on your resume.

Have you done anything outside of nursing?

If you have a degree in creative writing or a non-medical qualification, then this needs to be included. Any extra skills will make you stand out from other nurses.

Where To Start

The main point of your resume should include a list of the key skills and experiences that are relevant to what the employer is looking for. 

These will include any additional qualifications, professional goals, work experience, hobbies and interests and any specialist knowledge such as strict confidentiality policies or working with specific cultures or disabilities. 

These things can be listed under the heading ‘experience’.

What are Highlighted Skills & Experiences that Matter for Nurses?

Marketing yourself is about highlighting your skills and achievements, not just adding them to your resume. Having the right technical knowledge needs to be combined with interpersonal skills such as leadership and team working. 

Resumes should contain:

  • A clear, succinct overview of your qualifications and experience. 
  • A list of any additional qualifications to add weight to your achievements. 
  • Details of any voluntary work or extra-curricular activities, as well as relevant hobbies or interests that could make you stand out from other candidates
  • Explain any gaps in employment (if they are not too long). You could also highlight your continuing education during this time.

The key to building an effective resume is to know what the employer is looking for. Employers want to know about specific abilities and experience before any other details. 

Your aim is to stand out from all of the other nurses, who may have similar experience and qualifications. If you have skills that are not listed on your resume, then it won’t be very effective in highlighting what you can do for a potential employer.

Nursing is an area where experience and qualifications form an important part of how a nurse can use their skills and knowledge. 

A nursing profession where you will work with people who come from different backgrounds and view life differently is a very special one.

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