Benefits of Domestic Roller Shutters for your Home

Roller shutters are fittings added on the primary structure of windows and doors to serve several functions. They are common in commercial buildings including stores, restaurants and offices. However, residential spaces also fit domestic roller shutters. In these spaces, the shutters serve similar functions as commercial installations. Here are some of the benefits you enjoy with roller shutters.


The primary benefit of roller shutters is security. Shutters keep intruders out of your home. The design of the roller shutters is strong. They serve as physical deterrents to anyone looking to break into your home. Roller shutters are tightly fitted on windows and doors making it difficult to pull them away. Most installations are reinforced into the door and window frames to guarantee impermeability. Breaking in through roller shutters requires a great deal of effort. Effort that doesn’t go unnoticed. Amateur burglars are certain to give up when faced with roller shutters. Even professional burglars run the risk of being caught while trying to make their way through the shutters. Aside from physical security, roller shutters are a visual deterrent and exude the look of a tightly secured property. All in all, shutters are bad for burglars and that’s good for homeowners and tenants.

Learn about:  electric roller shutters melbourne

Sun Protection 

Windows in many homes are covered with curtains or blinds to keep the sun out. Although the fittings are good at keeping the light out they are ineffective in stopping heat from coming into the house during summer and going out in winter. Unfortunately, curtains and blinds offer little insulation hence heat is easily transferred in and out of the living space. Roller shutters offer insulation. Foam filled shutters keep 70% of the heat out during hot days and 60% in during winter. The foam is made of polyurethane which offers good insulation. Moreover, roller shutters are fitted on the exterior surface of windows and prevent direct sun contact. Consequently, the windows don’t get hot and let the heat in.

Energy Saving

The lion’s share of energy consumption in home often goes to heating. Unfortunately the cost of heating spaces is getting higher with increasing fuel prices. Therefore, heating has to be optimized. In standard homes around 70% of the indoor heat and 40% of air conditioning leaves through the windows and doors. Roller shutters minimize heat losses. As a result, heating costs are kept low and heating efficiency is enhanced. The insulation offered by roller shutters keeps the indoor temperature neutral throughout the years despite extreme temperature changes outside.

Privacy and Light Control

Domestic roller shutters offer control over the amount of light entering a room. Unlike curtains, roller can achieve complete darkness in a living space. You can also adjust the shutters to allow minimal light in or flood the space with sunlight. It’s all in your control. Roller shutters also give control over your privacy. Closing the roller shutters bars all visibility and makes your living space private. However, you can open the shutters to enjoy a view of your outdoor space. 

Weather Protection and Vandalism

Extreme weather can destroy windows and doors. Hail storms are known for breaking windows and forming dents on doors. Moreover, strong winds can hurl objects onto windows and doors. Rollers deflect the impact on the fittings. The shutters form a barrier that protects windows during storms. Aside from natural weather events, domestic roller shutters offer protection against vandalism. Vandalism is not common but when it happens it’s best to be safe.

Noise Reduction 

Aside from heat insulation, roller shutters offer some sound insulation. The shutters reduce noise entry into your living space. This is important especially when you reside next to airports or noisy neighborhoods. Roller shutters can reduce noise by up to 50%. Aside from keeping the noise out, rollers ensure noise within your living space doesn’t leak out to the point of causing a disturbance. 

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