5 Amazing Exercises to Relieve Foot Pain

Our feet are some of the most hardworking parts of our bodies, but we rarely take time to stop and appreciate their efforts at carrying us through our day. However, you soon will realize you took their wellbeing for granted when you are met with foot pain that makes every step an ordeal. If you find yourself in this situation, here are a few exercises you can do at home to alleviate the pain.

Stretch Well

If you’re experiencing pain in the bottom of your foot, then you may be dealing with plantar fasciitis. This inflammation can be painful, and stretching can help you deal with it, at least to some degree. Sit down on the floor with your legs stretched out and loop a towel around your feet. Stretch by pulling the ends of the towel towards you while keeping your knees straight. Another way to stretch these delicate areas would be sitting on a chair, placing your feet on your opposite leg with your ankle resting on your knee, and carefully pull your toes back.

Focus on Your Toes

The following pain-relieving exercises involve putting your toes to work. If you wear tight shoes a lot, you may be experiencing pain in your big toes. To remedy this, place your foot on your opposite leg like in the previous exercise, grab your big toe and move it back and forth and to the sides. Another easy exercise for your toes requires sitting on a chair with both feet planted on the floor. From this position, you can raise your toes and hold them for a few seconds, and spread them apart to exercise your muscles. Finally, place a towel underneath your foot and scrunch it with your toes.

Give Your Soles a Good Massage

A little bit of massage can also help you manage foot pain. All you need for this exercise is a bottle of cold water or a small ball such as a golf or tennis ball. Sit in a chair, place your foot on the ball or the bottle that is laid down on its side, and roll it back and forth. Don’t apply too much pressure, as this exercise shouldn’t feel painful.

Raise Your Heels

The next exercise involves sitting on a chair, like in the previous exercises, raising your heels and holding them in this position for a few seconds. Combine this with a toe raise for the best effect. A more advanced version of the heel raise involves standing on a step or other elevation. Place just the ball of your feet on the elevation, with your heels hanging off. From then on, slowly lower your heels and then raise them. Repeat this a few times while being careful and holding onto some support not to lose your balance.

Work Your Calves

Finally, stretching and working your calves can also be helpful to manage pain. You can do an easy calf stretch by facing a wall, putting both hands on it, placing one foot closer to the wall, and leaning forward while keeping your heels on the ground and your knee farther back straight. Finally, if you have access to a beach or other sandy area, going for a barefoot walk in the sand can also be a helpful exercise. Sand helps you stretch and work your muscles with its soft texture.

What If It’s Persistent?

If your foot pain persists, it’s recommended that you find the root of your problem with a trained professional instead of trying to remedy it at home. Foot pain can result from several conditions, and many require a doctor’s intervention. For instance, heel pain can come from plantar fasciitis, but it can also result from heel spurs that can become severe if left untreated. Bunions can also hardly be fixed with a few stretches at home. An experienced podiatrist from Fairfield recommends having such issues checked out professionally as their progress can be slowed down with the proper measures.

Additional Tips for Healthy Feet

Healthy feet should not only be a concern once you are already dealing with a condition. There’s no reason you shouldn’t practice these exercises at home even if you don’t feel foot pain; keeping your feet in good condition will help prevent problems and keep your feet strong. Remember to always stretch appropriately before any exercise and wear high-quality footwear for the best support.

Most people experience some sort of foot pain at some point in their lives. However, that does not mean that it doesn’t cause considerable discomfort. Try these exercises to manage the pain, and don’t hesitate to seek out a doctor if they don’t seem to work for you.

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