Adulting Know-Hows: Surviving First Year in College

Adjusting to college life can be a handful. Suddenly, you are introduced to new people, environments, and responsibilities that can overwhelm you. And while this can be a great platform to prepare you for the real world, the transition can be pretty overwhelming and scary for many. Of course, committing a few mistakes is ordinary and necessary in finding yourself. However, understanding these basic college things is just as crucial to making your adult life more bearable:

Know Your Primary Medium When Processing Information

Each person processes information differently and more effectively compared to how others do it. Additionally, according to experts, when people come across new things, information, or situations, they try to analyze and adapt to them based on what they already know. Sometimes, people even opt to add details and reasoning for it to fit our reality.

This is no different from when you are learning or training. Some people find it easier to understand the world around them and be more productive when they see, feel, hear, or experience things firsthand. Therefore, finding your channels can help you maximize your productivity and balance in what you do.

Additionally, it’s best to create a healthy boundary for yourself and those around you. This will allow you to know yourself deeper and create a more practical approach to enhancing your learning channels. Moreover, this will help balance out your social, personal, and school life, letting you enjoy each facet better.

Maximize Your Resources

College life is an exciting chapter in one’s life, especially in reaching your short- and long-term goals. However, the road to success is never a walk in the park. Most students nowadays face various stressors that can push them on an endless loop of anxiety and depression.

This can range from one’s financials, homesickness, too much academic workload, societal demands, peer pressure, to name a few. And although mental health issues have been a constant battle for many college students, pursuing a degree amid a pandemic has amplified its impact on most of them. Therefore, it is crucial to understand your triggers and expand your resources to prevent them from spiraling out of control and sabotaging your future.

One way to address this is to practice self-care. And while there are numerous ways to do this, it is crucial to find one that fits your needs, lifestyle, schedule, and study pattern. For example, you can find journaling or writing down your thoughts more effective in giving you a more precise visualization of what you want to accomplish for the day or the week.

Additionally, maintaining a solid communication and meaningful connection with your loved ones can be beneficial, especially if you are studying far from home. Finally, don’t be afraid to seek help from your community, mentors, and other professionals to help you understand what you’re going through. So check your campus on the programs and counseling they can offer for such situations.

If you’re still in the early stages of planning, consider thorough research and remember to include necessary documents and information. You should include test scores and acceptance rate requirements to help you have a quick, smooth, and stress-free admission process.

Get in the Zone

As much as knowing your stressors and developing an effective learning strategy are crucial, getting in your productivity zone can take some more. Therefore, you need to consider various distractions that might divert your attention when getting in the zone. This includes your attention span, information retention, and constant invite from friends, to name a few.

For example, if staying indoors is starting to mess with your thoughts, consider changing your environment and bathing in green and blue spaces to foster creativity and new ideas. You can also turn off alerts from your phone or log out from social media to avoid the itch of never-ending scrolling and procrastination. Additionally, reward yourself from time to time but make sure you don’t overdo it. Too much incentive negatively affect your intrinsic motivation, which can lead to conflict and mediocre results.

Expanding your knowledge base can help you reach your dreams and improve your quality of life. It is no surprise why many people strive to find ways to improve their situations, whether by pursuing higher education to further their learning, attending seminars, or mastering a skill. However, it is easy to get lost in these areas, so don’t forget to be kind to yourself and give yourself a break. Respect your pace and avoid comparing yourself to what others have accomplished.

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