Achy Joints and Muscles: How to Fight Annoying Body Pain

Sore joints and muscles are common for most people, even if they’re healthy. They can be mild or they can even have a significant impact on your daily life. Managing pain is often a matter of trial and error. There are a number of ways you can fight annoying body pain on your own at home. Take a look at these ideas for treating achy joints and muscles. Give a few a try to see which work for you. Please consult with a licensed professional before making decisions about your health. 

Heat and Cold

Hot and cold compresses are one of the simplest, yet often most effective, remedies for body pain. Heat aids in stimulating blood flow, which relaxes sore muscles and joints. This can greatly reduce pain. Cold applications provide a numbing sensation to lessen the pain. It can also reduce inflammation, which is a common cause of muscle and joint aches. For best results, try alternating between the two.

Over-the-Counter Pain Medicine

When it comes to managing muscle and joint pain, over-the-counter, OTC, pain medications can be quite helpful. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are what most people reach for. These are pills like aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen. Bear in mind, that OTCs work best on mild soreness, rather than severe pain.


If you’re dealing with chronic or acute pain, you may require something stronger for more advanced pain. Steroids are effective for relieving inflammation in joints and muscles. People who suffer from arthritis may find relief with the use of steroid injections. You would, of course, need to see your doctor for this type of treatment.


There are lots of supplements you can purchase online or in health food stores to address sore joints and muscles. Omega-3 fatty acids, glucosamine, chondroitin, and SAMe are ones that may be familiar to you. Vitamin D, estrogen, and MSM are other considerations, as well. Apart from this, exercise and specifically Feldenkrais Method can help too.

Other natural remedies can do wonders for sore joints and muscles. These often come in pills or capsules, but you can find them in other forms as well. For example, flaxseed is a natural product that comes in capsules and oil, but the seeds themselves can also be sprinkled on foods or added to smoothies. Ginger also has anti-inflammatory properties. You can drink it in a tea, and it’s available in pill form. Turmeric has an active ingredient known as curcumin that contains both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s been shown to be particularly effective for osteoarthritis pain. If you’re a garlic lover, you’re in luck. Selenium and sulfur are found in garlic. Both of these ingredients are known to cut down on joint and muscle pain. The sulfur is specifically good for lessening inflammation, while selenium is anti-rheumatic. Even if you don’t love the taste of garlic, you can find it in capsule form.

If you prefer not to ingest a supplement, a topical, all-natural pain spray may be a good alternative for you. A spray is convenient because it’s easy to carry with you and works quickly to treat a variety of issues. Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is another way to get relief from your muscle and joint pain. It works by drawing excess fluids from your tissues and lowering inflammation. Epsom salts contain magnesium sulfate, which is a natural muscle relaxant. Add some to your next bath for soothing relaxation.


While it may seem counterintuitive, exercise can actually ease some types of muscle and joint pain. Supervised professional physical therapy may be needed for specific injuries or issues. An added benefit to physical exercise is that it can help you to lose weight. Carrying around excess weight can contribute to pains in your joints. It’s important to talk with your doctor to be sure you’re ready to take on an exercise routine. Your physician might also be able to provide some advice about the type of movement that would be best for your particular pains. Working with a physical therapist or professional trainer are also possibilities and might benefit you if you’re able to do so.

These are just some of the ways you can manage achy joints and muscles, but they’re a good start if you’re looking to find relief. Most of these you can do on your own, but it’s always wise to check with your doctor for an expert opinion. This is especially true for chronic or severe pain. 

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