A Complete Information About Liquid Flow Meter

Liquid flow meters measure the flow of liquids. Liquid flow meters are also known as flow sensors, and they measure mass, volume, or gas. There are several types of flow meters. Each meter has its use. Their requirement also varies from meter to meter.

Liquid flow meters operate in different ways, but they have a focus. Their goal is to give the most accurate and reliable flow measurements for any application. The flow is always equal to the pipe’s cross-sectional area, and the mass of the liquid is always the key consideration in most cases. Here are different types of liquid flow meters and how they work.

Liquid Flow Meters and Their Working Principle

Mechanical Flow Meters

These meters are popular and economical, and they measure flow through turbine rotation. The turbine has a shunt, propeller, or paddle wheel make. The meter works by determining the speed of the liquid flowing in the pipe. The fluid velocity causes the turbine to move, and then you will determine the flow rate. The volumetric flow rate of liquid is related to the speed of the blades.

These meters usually clog up when the water is dirty or have large particles. Make sure not to use it on dirty fluids. The clogging may lead to high maintenance costs. So, make sure to avoid it. Mechanical flow meters also work perfectly when the liquid flow is low.

Vortex Flow Meters

The vortex meter is another popular type of liquid flow meter. The liquid flow meter uses vortex shedding from the sensor that is put in the flow. The vortices are forces of nature created when the fluid moves over an obstacle.

During the flow, the sensor tag moves from side to side when each flow passes over. The sensor will then produce a peed that is directly related to the volumetric flow rate. Some vortex meters can measure flow up to process with one connection. These meters work well with large pipes because you can put them in the flow by hot tapping with a retractor.

Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meters

The ultrasonic meters use ultrasound to determine the volume of liquids. During the flow, an ultrasonic signal is sent in the direction of the flow channel. Another alert will then be sent over the fluid that is flowing upstream. In the most basic form, the time that the sonic pulse uses to travel downstream is balanced with the time it uses to travel upstream.

You will then use this time to calculate the speed of the liquid. The ultrasonic flow meter will then calculate the tube’s volumetric flow rate using the liquid’s velocity and determine the flow of fluids outside the line. It uses the shooting sound over the pipe walls. These meters are the best because they are flexible and are fit for flow measurements in large pipes.

Magnetic Flow Meters

Magnetic flow meters are also among the most popular meters in the world. They measure flow rates using a magnetic field. These meters also use Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. This law states that the liquids will create energy when they flow through a magnetic field. When the flow is fast, more energy is produced. 

The energy that is generated is directly related to the liquid flow. The energy signal is the process into the volumetric flow rate by the device. The magnetic meters are not fit for custody transfer because they do not give immediate accuracy. You cannot use this meter to measure pure water because it does not have ions that conduct electricity.

Open Channel Liquid Flow Meters

These meters measure the flow of liquids that are in an open environment. The liquid is usually in an open atmosphere or a closed pipe partially filled with fluids. The flow takes place while the liquid flows within a channel. The perfect example for this flow is rivers, irrigation ditches, streams, or canals.

Coriolis Liquid Flow Meters

Coriolis meters are popular and are considered to be the most accurate and repeatable. They are perfect for any application that needs high accuracy. Most of the time, these meters are used in custody transfer due to their high accuracy levels. They also have low maintenance costs. For your applications, always go for these meters.

Differential Pressure

These are some of the oldest meters in the flow industry. They are still used today due to their accuracy levels.


Liquid flow meters come in different types, and they also work differently. The perfect kind of meter depends on your application. Always make sure to learn more about liquid flow meters before buying one. Also, ask for help from the sellers if needed.

About the Guest Author

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at proteusind.com, He is an Award-
Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful
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