9 Ways to Combat Memory Loss

As we get older, some memory loss is normal. Even when we are young, it’s normal to be occasionally forgetful or forget more when we’re busy, tired, or stressed out. But memory loss can be frustrating and sometimes it’s a sign of worse to come. Fortunately, whatever the reason for your memory loss, there are a few things that you can do to combat it, stop it from getting worse, and even improve your memory. 

Learn a New Skill

We’re always exercising our brains when we’re young because there’s so much to learn. As we get older, we rarely learn anything new, and when we do, it’s often in short bursts, like when we start a new job. 

This can mean that the learning centers of our brain aren’t challenged and so stagnate. Learning new things gives your brain a workout, keeping it healthy. Learning a new language, cooking, or a creative hobby can be ideal. 

Get into Routines

If you are struggling with your memory, routines can help. Things like bedtimes and mealtimes, keeping your keys in the same place, and walking the same routes can make it much easier to remember things. 

Spend Time with Friends

Loneliness is a common cause of mental health and memory issues. Spending time with friends can boost your mood and challenge your mind with engaging conversations and new experiences. 

Get Outdoors

Time outside reduces stress, boosts mental health, increases access to fresh air and vitamin D, and offers plenty to see, hear, smell, and feel, working out different areas of your brain and keeping it young and healthy. 

Know What’s Normal

It’s important to know what is normal for you to know when to seek help, especially as you get older. If you are worried that your memory loss is more than you might expect, make sure you visit your doctor, and if you are in later life, consider a move to long-term memory care in Eureka, where you’ll get specialist help. 

Change Your Diet

What you eat and drink can have a big effect on your body and your mind. Healthy fats like those in oily fish can be particularly good for your brain health and memory. Drinking less alcohol and more water can also be effective. 


Exercise boosts circulation and cardiovascular health. It reduces stress, helps us sleep, and offers social opportunities, all of which can help improve your memory and reduce the risk of cognitive decline as you age. 

Target Stress

We’re all more forgetful when we’re stressed out. If you are busy, worried, or otherwise stressed, finding ways to cope can help your memory. Fun and creative hobbies, time with friends, exercise, reading, going for walks, and practicing yoga and meditation can all help, but if you are worried, speak to someone. 

Get More Sleep

We’re also more forgetful when we’re tired. Getting plenty of sleep can boost your memory and brain health and help you to feel more positive and less stressed. 

Remember, while memory loss can be severe, it’s typically nothing to worry about. Try making some lifestyle changes and taking better care of yourself, and if you are worried, visit your doctor for advice. 

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