9 SEO tips for you to become an SEO Master – Infographic

One of the main items of digital marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of techniques and strategies whose main objective is to increase the accesses of a website or blog. Usually, SEO optimization improves your site’s ranking in Google’s organic search ranking (ie without using Adwords ). So you must know some SEO tips to optimize and grow your website.

The advantages of doing SEO optimization

When you search on Google, in most cases you already find what you are looking for on the first page of the search engine. This means that if you want your site to have greater visibility and be quickly accessed by users, you need to optimize it so that it appears in the top positions of search results.

By adjusting the site according to SEO rules and specifications, your site will have greater visibility and, consequently, more access. But beware! The results are not instantaneous. This tactic usually takes a few months, at least, to show significant results.

SEO is an extensive and even complex subject. Therefore, we will indicate the main SEO tips so that it is possible to optimize your website quickly.

10 SEO tips for your website to be seen:

1. Write

One of the main SEO tips is to have qualitative content. The recommended are at least 300 words, but some studies suggest that the first results from Google are longer content.

This can occur because, in a larger text, the article may be more complete, better addressing the topic and, therefore, having greater quality, pleasing the user. With more words, it is easier to increase the keyword density in the text, which is also a fundamental part of SEO optimization. For more information you can refer CheapCustom Papers

2. Keyword

Include the keyword in the title and the URL. This helps the user to easily know what their content is about. Among the SEO tips, this is one of the most important, since the keyword is what presents the content of your article to the reader.

3. Use more keyword

Anyone who thinks that the keyword should be in the title and the URL is wrong. Use it several times during the content, to make it more relevant and help you get a better ranking on Google search. But be careful! Do not use the keyword indiscriminately. What many people omit when giving SEO tips is that if the keyword is included excessively throughout the text, Google may identify its content as spam and its position on the search pages will drop.

4. Use images and captions

Placing images throughout the text helps to illustrate the content. This way, the user’s reading will be more dynamic, which helps to attract more readers to the site. One of the most important SEO tips. SEO tips is that keywords can be placed inside images, helping in SEO optimization of the site.

5.Make quality content

Text that is interesting and relevant contributes to the optimization of the website, in addition to the previous SEO tips. This is because the chances of users being interested and sharing your content increases when your content is of good quality.

6.Be sure to include the meta description

That description displayed on each site that appears in Google results is called a meta description. It is nothing more than a summary of your website page.

The meta description must have a maximum of 160 characters – that is, it is very short – and include the keyword for that page. Its role is to facilitate the search, in addition to drawing the user’s attention to your page. This is a more technical tip among the other SEO tips shown earlier.

7. The alt text in the image is important

The alt text is the description of the image and, therefore, it is super important that it contains the keyword. This makes Google find the image of your article, “reading” its description. This short text is yet another chance to further increase the reach of your content.

8. Don’t forget to add links in the text

Including links throughout your content to internal pages on your website is important. Doing this, one page leads to another, facilitating the user’s navigation through the site and increasing access.

9. NEVER copy.

Yes, Google’s algorithms penalize sites that have repeated content. Detail: not only can the content page being penalized, but the entire site on which it is inserted! Therefore, ALWAYS produce quality and original content.

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