The biggest and the most popular trend in photography these days is drone photography. There was a time when the selfie stick was used to take elevated pictures but now drones have taken over. It would not be wrong to say that drones can capture pictures that no other technology is capable of. However, buying a drone would not make you a drone photographer you need to have the right skills to make a mark in the industry. More than 350 million photographers post pictures on Facebook daily. Therefore, we would give you some tips in this article to make your drone photography stand out in this competitive industry.
Improve Flying Skills:
If you are new to drone photography then the most important thing is to learn how to pilot the drone. There is no other way to master the art of flying a drone other than practice. You need to understand the different Ariel mechanics of the drone. You could read a lot of information about drones on Gadget Reviews but you should always keep your focus on the main goal of capturing stunning images. The best approach towards learning would be to buy a trainer drone first which is inexpensive. Once you believe that you have mastered the skill of flying then you could invest in a sophisticated drone camera.
Before we do anything, we have to make preparations for it and in case of drone, photography preparation is very important. Follow some popular drone photographers on Instagram to see their feed. That would give you the idea of what kind of location you need for photography. Then with the help of google maps search for such location which is feasible for flying a drone. Before going to the location, you have to prepare the camera for the right light settings.
Survey the Scene:
Once you have finalized the location and you have reached their you need to do a complete survey of the location. Being a drone operator, it is very easy to develop a tunnel vision and get fixated on a single subject or composition. If you get fixated on one thing you would ignore all the magnificent scenery surrounding you. You could encircle your primary subject then fly around it to find the best light composition. Moreover, trying different angles would give you the best background you need for a perfect picture. Do not get frustrated revisit the location and try different heights to enhance your frame.
Focus on The Light:
The most important thing in photography is light and different settings of it could certainly change a picture. It doesn’t matter if you are downing photography on the ground or in the air you could always play with light. Try to match your flight hours with the golden hours of the day the time when the sun is either rising or setting. At this time, you would get the soft yellow-tinted light and vibrant blue hues in the sky. Try to get the maximum benefit of this time as everything seems very peaceful during this time and you would get some very stunning pictures.
Lines, patterns, and geometry are some of the potent components of the composition is photography. Lines are a great way to trick human eyes to focus on the background of the picture. Therefore, the patterns you could see from the height are not visible from the ground. If you capture those rhythms and patterns correctly you would get a truly flawless picture. So, always keep your eyes open to frame geometrically aligned pictures that could grasp the attention of the viewers.
Right Perspective:
The biggest advantage you have with UAV is that you control the perspective. Therefore, you could try different angles to produce something astonishing. Remember, having a drone doesn’t necessarily mean that high flying altitudes would give you the best picture. Sometimes you would find the best visual drama at just 20 feet from the ground. Ideally, you could capture images at about 10-100 feet from the ground and they would provide the unique visual experience to the viewers. So, drone photography doesn’t mean capturing photos from the top it means capturing something that is unseen.
Charge Everything:
Do not forget your drone flies on a battery and mostly these batteries do not last much longer. Therefore, you would have to invest in multiple batteries. You would use one battery to scavenge the site to find the right perspective, frame, and composition. Moreover, there are always some unexpected additions in the plan you might need some distant visual shots. Therefore, you should always have at least two completely charged batteries with you. You would dedicate one battery to ensure perfection and then the second one would help you take the pictures. However, if you need some moving images then I would recommend you to snug in the third battery dedicated to capturing some cinematic shots. The history of cameras is full of technological leaps that we do not perceive now but that once represented a small revolution in the world of photography.