7 Tips for a Sustainable Vacation

There are many reasons to plan your vacation with sustainability in mind. An eco-friendly vacation reduces the environmental impact of tourism, resources the culture and heritage of the local community, and supports the local economy. By partaking in responsible tourism, you help conserve the destination for future travelers and the residents who live within it. A sustainable vacation offers a more authentic experience, allowing you to connect with the local culture ethically and with respect, giving you more substantial memories to recall. Traveling sustainably is about being culturally sensitive and environmentally responsible, and if you’re wondering how you can accomplish this, check out some of the tips below. 

Go somewhere less-traveled 

Many areas frequented by travelers and tourists are experiencing negative effects on their community as a result. Excessive tourism has negative impacts on the environment through increased usage of electricity and water resources to accommodate the many tourists, leaving fewer resources to the members of the community and increasing the price of these commodities. Additionally, extreme levels of tourism can lead to pollution and overcrowding, often leading to disputes between community members, tourists, and the area’s local government. Excessive tourism is a problem because it has the potential to lead to the commercialization of traditional cultures and the displacement of local people. 

One example of this is in Hawaii. Because of how many tourists travel to Hawaii every day, there are fewer resources left over for community members because of the extreme amounts of tourists. Not only does this impact the local population, but also results in negative environmental impacts like the destruction of coral reefs. 

Be mindful of your consumption 

If you want to vacation sustainably, be mindful of your consumption during your travels. You may see lots of new things you’ll want to buy visiting place to place, but try to only purchase things you value. Make conscious choices around everything from the food you eat, to the places you book for your itinerary. Sign up for activities with a low environmental footprint to be a more mindful consumer during your travels. For example, if you’re doing a sightseeing tour, a walking tour will be better for the environment than one from a car or bus. Additionally, camping is lower-impact than staying in a hotel, with the added benefit of saving money and allowing you the space to relax with a new book. You can also choose to be more mindful of your diet choices by avoiding chain restaurants and limiting the amount of fish and red meat you consume.  

Book with a sustainable hotel

While camping is certainly better for the environment than a hotel stay, you don’t have to be a pro-backpacker to be more eco-conscious during your travels. Many hotels offer eco-friendly lodging to reduce the impact tourism has on the environment. These hotels go beyond recycling but typically have installed energy solutions to conserve power. If you plan on bringing pets with you on your travels, many of these accommodation options offer pet-friendly lodging

While picking the right lodging can be better for the environment, it can also help support the local economy. Avoid global chain hotels like Hilton and Marriott, and instead, pick a locally-owned hotel and show your support for the local community with your wallet. 

Utilize your “Do not Disturb” sign

In addition to finding eco-friendly lodging, consider leaving the ‘do not disturb’ sign up on your hotel door for the entirety of your stay. Without the sign, you can expect cleaners to enter your room every day, using chemical-based cleaning products across your space and changing towels and bedding. By putting your sign up during your stay, you limit the use of chemical cleaning products, which can be harmful to the environment. Additionally, using the same linens during your holiday reduces the need to wash, thus reducing the amount of water the hotel uses for laundry. 

Opt for efficient transportation

Depending on where you are, traveling by plane may be your only option to get to your desired location. However, when feasible, try to travel by alternative means like a car, bus, or with your two feet. Planes are responsible for a significant portion of carbon emissions, but many travel agencies are making it their mission to reduce the impact of planes on the environment. If you can, opt for an airline with eco-friendly methods to lower environmental impact. 

If you plan on doing some traveling around within your destination, do as much walking as you can, and leave the Taxi and Uber rides for when you need them, and if on waters St Barts Yacht Charters are best to give a try. If you do need a motorized form of transportation, many global cities offer robust transportation systems, and taking public transport will have a lower impact than by car. 

Support the local businesses of your destination

Sustainability isn’t just about saving the planet, but also about supporting the people who inhabit those local environments. You can go almost anywhere and find a Starbucks or Mcdonalds, but these places don’t benefit the community besides supplying a few more job opportunities. Instead of going to a place you recognize, support local businesses within the area you’re traveling. The best part of experiencing new cultures is trying all the different foods, so explore local restaurants and businesses to support the people who run them! 

Avoid single-use plastics

Traveling creates a lot of waste. The amount of waste we create led us to overflowing landfills and the pollution of beautiful locations like beaches. On any given beach, you’ll likely find bottles, straws, caps, and trash riddling the area. From the travel-sized toiletries packaged using plastics to the single-use masks you wear throughout the airline, you accumulate a lot of waste during your travels. To limit your use of single-use plastics, switch to reusable containers to house your toiletries. If you love your straws, purchase a reusable set. For any single-use plastics, there is likely a reusable alternative. By being mindful of your trash during your trips, you help support the environment and ecological conditions of the area. 

In conclusion

Through small impactful changes, you help preserve the environment and community of your travel destination. While some may be unwilling to give up their vacations, by picking up some sustainable travel habits, you help reduce your carbon footprint and negative impact during your travels. 

About the Guest Author: Ashley Nielsen

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University. She is a freelance writer who loves to share knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, wellness, and financial tips. During her free time, she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music. 

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