7 Important Ear piercing precautions to take

Ear piercings are a rite of passage for many people, but they also come with some pain and risks. This is why it’s important to follow proper ear piercing precautions so that you can enjoy your new earrings without risking any damage to your ears.

Do not sleep with your earrings in

  • Don’t sleep with your earrings in.
  • You can damage your earlobe by sleeping on it, and if the earring moves around in your ear, it can get caught on something and rip out. If a piercing is still new or healing, this is especially risky because it could cause an infection to develop around the piercing site.

Use an antiseptic to clean your ears after you have had an ear piercing

After you have had an ear piercing, it is important to clean your ears regularly. You can use a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol to clean the area around your new piercing, and then apply a small amount of antibiotic ointment if there are any redness or swelling present. If you have sensitive skin, however, avoid using rubbing alcohol as this may irritate it further. Instead try witch hazel or plain water on a cotton ball for cleaning purposes; this will help keep bacteria from entering into your fresh wound and causing infection.

Never use reusables in your ears

Reusables are not sterile, and they can harbor bacteria. If you use reusables in your ears, you’ll be putting yourself at risk for infection. Even if you’re careful with them, the materials used to make reusables aren’t designed to withstand repeated use without becoming damaged or worn out–and they probably won’t be replaced when they do become damaged or worn out.

The best way to avoid infections is by using disposable jewelry instead of reusable items like earplugs (aka “earrings”). Disposable earrings are sterile when purchased from a reputable supplier; once purchased and opened properly by an adult wearer with clean hands who has been tested for allergies against metals such as nickel (which may cause allergic reactions), these items are safe for single use only. This means that there won’t be any bacteria hiding inside them!

Never sleep on the side of your face that has a new earring in it

  • Avoid sleeping on the side of your face with a new ear piercing. If you can’t avoid sleeping in this position, put a pillow between your head and the earring.
  • Sleep on your back instead of on either side so no pressure is put on your earlobe.

Never go swimming until after the first day, and only submerge up to one inch of the earring

After you’ve pierced your ears, you should avoid getting them wet for at least 24 hours. This includes swimming, showering and even washing your hair.

You’ll want to keep the area around your piercing clean by wiping it with a soft cloth every few hours or so. If there are any crusts of blood present in or around the piercing site, gently remove them with a clean Q-tip dipped in warm water (make sure not to get any water inside of the earring).

If you do happen to get water in your ear while swimming or bathing during this time period–and this can happen easily if you’re not careful–you needn’t panic: just make sure that no more than 1 inch (2 cm) of each earring is submerged at any given time; otherwise there’s risk that one or both will become dislodged from its proper place within seconds!

Get your ears pierced by a professional

Getting your ears pierced is a relatively safe procedure, but there are some precautions you should take before getting your holes done.

Get your ears pierced by a professional such as Blomdahl. Ask questions and make sure that whoever is performing the procedure has been trained in ear piercing techniques.

Avoid tugging on or touching the piercing for the first few days after getting it done

In the days after getting your piercing, avoid touching it as much as possible. You don’t want to risk pulling out any of the new skin that has grown over your earring. Your new piercing will be sensitive, so try not to tug on it or pull at your earrings.

Also avoid touching a fresh piercing with dirty hands, which can introduce bacteria into an open wound and lead to an infection. If you do have to touch your earring before washing up, make sure that no one else’s hands have been near them either (especially if they have been in contact with mouth germs).

Avoid using sharp objects around a fresh piercing; this includes fingernails and tongues! Sharp objects can tear apart newly forming skin around a hole in order for bacteria access inside-and do not forget about those pesky hangnails too!

Ear piercings are fun but often painful, so these precautions will keep you safe and happy!

  • Always clean your ears after you get them pierced.
  • Don’t sleep with the earrings in, as this can cause infection and damage to your skin.
  • Don’t swim for a few days after getting your ears pierced, as it may cause irritation or infection due to chlorine or salt water entering into the wound.
  • Do not touch or tug on the earrings for a few days after getting them pierced; this will help avoid tearing up any fresh wounds and make them heal faster!

We hope these tips will help you stay safe while enjoying your new ear piercing. If you follow them, then you should be able to avoid any unwanted pain and discomfort while getting used to your new jewelry.

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