6 Ways to Monetize Your Blog

When you are starting a new blog, then you must know how to earn from it as well. Yes, you can make lots of money from writing a blog. Not too long ago, creating a website would’ve cost you thousands of dollars to set up and maintain. Monetizing a website was just as difficult. PayPal was in its infancy, Stripe didn’t exist and email marketing was nowhere near as flexible as it is now.

Today however you can start, maintain, and monetize a blog on WordPress with just a few hundred dollars. But just because it’s easier to make money with your blog today, doesn’t mean that most bloggers do. According to ConvertKit’s state of blogging report, pro bloggers reported an average profit of $138,064 the past year, while amateur bloggers (who made up 86% of those surveyed) made only $9,497. This is not so good, especially when you consider that most bloggers start a blog so they can be their own boss and quit their 8-to-5 job. Clearly, it is not so simple. Not only is it difficult to drive traffic to a blog, but it’s also hard to monetize the traffic that you do receive.

So we will tell you 6 easy ways to earn money from your blog.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular methods for monetizing your blog. This is especially useful when you’re just starting and you don’t have your own products or services to sell. All you have to do is develop content that will ultimately be in harmony with whatever affiliate offers you plan to push out. 

For example, if you’re running a fitness blog, you can easily sell affiliate health, weight loss, or body-building supplements. Since the content is already attracting people that are interested in fitness, selling these types of products helps you to create a near-automated stream of passive income

Become a Freelance Blogger

You probably started your blog because you have experience/knowledge in that area, so why not use that to your advantage?

Businesses are looking for people that can create content to fuel their marketing so who better to create that content than someone that knows that area.

According to data, the average freelancer in the India makes about $15k a year. Keep in mind that this figure is influenced by your experience level and the area you write in. of course, you might not be able to charge these rates at the beginning, but as you gain more experience and credibility your rates go up. Be careful not to charge too low in the beginning though.

Sell Ebooks

Selling ebooks is one of the most popular ways to earn money for bloggers. It’s perfect because it’s relatively easy to create and is usually priced adequately enough that most visitors can buy. But ebooks do more than let bloggers monetize their blogs quickly. As a blogger selling an ebook can be the fastest way to test if people are interested in what you’re covering enough to pay for it. Ebooks are also a low-risk way for your website visitors to judge the value you can bring before buying more expensive products.

You can then choose to sell your ebook directly on your blog. Selling your ebook on your own site can have its advantages, as you get to keep 100% of the profits. 

If you choose to publish your ebook as an Amazon Kindle then you can only keep 70% of the profits but it comes with the added advantage that the more books you sell the more exposure you can get which leads to even more sales.


Most people might think that adding some pay-per-click (PPC) ads will be a great way to make lots of money with their blogs unless you have massive amounts of traffic as 10,000+ visitors per day or more. The real income here doesn’t start until you cross about 100,000 visitors per day

However, you could easily negotiate terms directly with advertisers by utilizing display ads as opposed to PPC ads. As long as the ads are within your specific area or industry, you can likely negotiate an amount that would be much more competitive than income from standard PPC ads. 

Sell Online Courses

Another easy way to monetize your blog is by selling online courses. What holds most bloggers back from creating their course is that they think you need to be some sort of expert degree to teach a course online. But that’s not true at all, all you need to teach a course is to know more than the people you’re teaching and to be able to present this information in a way that people will get value from. More people are taking online courses than ever, and e-Learning increases a learner’s retention rate to 82%. The e-learning industry is expected to grow to about $1 Trillion by 2027.


You can make a lot of money from a sponsored post but it’s not the most common way, probably because you’ll need to have a lot of traffic and credibility to earn money from it. With sponsored posts and reviews, a blogger will charge a company a fee to write about their product on the blog and give their opinion of it. The product gets exposed to the blogger’s audience and the brand gets more exposure and new customers. When you think about influencer marketing, your mind quickly pulls up images of the influencers you know on Instagram and Youtube.

But writing sponsored posts on your blog is influencer marketing and it’s exploding right now. Influencer marketing has already experienced tremendous growth and is expected to have a market size of about $6.5 billion in 2019. 

There are so many other ways to earn money from your blog but you have to work really hard to get there. As you know, it’s never easy to earn money at the beginning but once you get there you will earn for sure.

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