6 Social Media Metrics Marketers Should Track

Social media marketing is a debatable subject where increasing numbers of tweets, posts, and high customer engagement does not usually mean that it is creating a positive impact on your business. Converting Shares and Likes into hard, profitable sales numbers is a daunting task.

But the good news is that social is more visible than other marketing tools and can be measured through metrics. If you want to know the best 6 metrics that can analyze the performance of your social marketing campaign, then read this article right away. These metrics can help you monitor the performance on Twitter and Facebook.

1. Focus on Consistently Growing Your Following

Your fans, shares, and followers, all these represent the numbers of people interested in your business. So, you must focus on consistently increasing your following. The simplest way to do is to share the content in a way that is engaging to the audience and can target new fans.

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While Facebook offers a detailed analysis of the total numbers of pages liked by your fans, Twitter allows you to count the total numbers of followers on the Twitter account page.

2. Identify the ‘Perfect Engagement Time.’

No, I am not talking about your engagement, but the engagement of the audience with your business. I always make sure to post the content after planning an effective strategy and at the time when my target audience is the most active.

You can identify it easily. You just have to track the pattern for a couple of days, and there you will know the correct time to engage the

Data on Twitter for this is slightly less extensive as compared to the Facebook. It is because Facebook allows you to view your audience’s activity on a daily basis.

3. Reactions and Likes to a Post Makes a Big Difference

Considering the feedback from my audience helped me a lot to identify the impact of marketing strategy. I tailored it according to their interests and preferences, and soon I felt the difference in my business.

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Check for your audience’s reactions, likes and behavioral patterns to know that do they seriously like what you are posting. If you are not able to avail appropriate results for your business, then might be your posts are dull or might be it will suit to a different audience.

With Facebook, you can avail an in-depth measurement of your audience’s updated reaction system. You need to click the Posts section, and the details will be available to you. Twitter follows the similar methodology and displays all the tweets for the selected duration.

4. Inquire about Audience Demographics

I was posting ads, contents, promotions, offers, discounts, and was doing almost every possible thing that I can, but was not getting the results I wanted. While I was wondering what I should do, I decided to check my audience’s demographics and modified my strategies accordingly.

The response was really great! There are different sections on various social platforms from where you can avail all information about people who are following your business.

Accessing audience information on Facebook is simple by clicking the fans section where the complete demographics of your fans would be available. Twitter also offers the convenience to check audience’s demographics by just click on Audiences section.

5. Follow Regularly the Reach Metric

With the reach metrics, I was able to identify the total numbers of people that I was able to reach through my marketing strategy. This is possible to know by identifying people’s activity as when they are interested in a business they like sharing and posting things about it.

Combining the social strategy to engaging content is an excellent way to improve the overall reach of customers to the posts and eventually to your business.

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Facebook offers a Reach option in the navigation system where the top graph displays the successful level of reach. On Twitter, the reach can be identified through numbers of impressions for each tweet. More numbers of people engaging in your business indicates higher numbers of impressions.

6. Keep a Check on the Click Rates

Click rates can create a great impact on the conversions. It is true that clicks do not impact the revenue generation directly, but it helped me to understand the way my audiences wanted to engage in my business. Whenever they click on different links, their likes and preferences are

Facebook houses a comprehensive click-tracking system. You can identify the number of clicks for each post by going to the insights of the post. The action page can let you know the clicks for distinct elements, like directions, phone, website, and more.

For Twitter, the best way to count clicks is to track the retweets. Bit.ly or Buffer are other services to track the numbers of clicks on various social platforms.

To conclude, you can gain success for your business through social marketing strategies only when you are able to track their performance.

While the above metrics can help you in this concern, I would suggest you to keep posting content that is engaging and as per audience’s preferences. This is the simplest way to go and gain success!

| About the Guest Author:

Sunny Chawla is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs. Web-design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow in online market. He would love to share thoughts on brand reputation Management,content marketing, social media marketing etc. 

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