5 Ways to Nurture Your Fundraising Team’s Morale

Working for a non-profit organization is rewarding, but takes its toll, nonetheless. Employees, especially fundraisers and campaigners, often face a wave of rejection and disinterest which is entirely harmful to well-being and motivation. If you have seen morale wavering, it is time to take action. Here are five ways you can nurture your fundraising team to boost and engage them in their journey. 

Set a Common Goal

A team with a common goal is one that finds internal, peer-boosted motivation. It could be something as small as securing one new donor this week, or a bigger task like securing X amount of new donations by a certain date. Make it clear that there are no penalties if the goals are not brought to life – this is purely a motivational exercise intended to rally the troops and determine a common mission that everyone can work towards together. 

Incentivize Positive Progress

Incentives are always well received and a positive way to encourage fundraisers to meet their targets. The aim here is not to ‘punish’ those who don’t quite meet the mark, but more to show appreciation for third work that creates positive results for the wider organization. It is easy to get Amazon gift cards in bulk for your employees which can then be redistributed as and when the time is right. This is just one example of a great treat to pass along every now and then. 

Hold Regular Meetings to Monitor Achievements

Be a regular presence in the team’s journey by holding frequent meetings. This is the perfect arena for discussing achievements, figuring out problems, and listening to fundraiser stories. There might be a positive tale from the week that boosts spirits, or a collective boon to resolve. It shows the team that the non-profit leaders are active participants in what happens on the ground and creates a safe space for conversation and experience sharing. 

Outsource Wherever Necessary

Outsourcing is a reliable way to minimize the task list of fundraisers. If people are reporting regular time restraints and frequent task list challenges that are becoming insurmountable, it is time to look externally for support. Lighten their load and allow them to focus on the core mission and increase productivity as a natural result of this process. 

Take Care of Well-Being

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re trying to achieve, if employee well-being is not a core focus then everything will fall apart. Thankfully, it is easy to look after fundraisers with the points mentioned above and through being actively involved in the conversation. Schedule ongoing check-in sessions and make sure that everyone is well trained in how to notice burnout signs or red flags in their peer group. This will help them to understand their limits and learn when to take a break for their well-being too. A fundraiser suffering from anxiety or depression is one that needs looking after. 

When morale is low, fundraising is ineffective. A passionate team needs an equally passionate management approach, and this means nurturing everything from start to finish. This is an emotive role that faces a number of unique challenges, so work through things together and stay involved every step of the way. 

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