5 Ways to deal with excessive sweat on hands

The summer season is often associated with excessive sweat. Whenever summer season approaches, people wonder how to get rid of excessive sweat. People find the excessive sweat troubling and want to get rid of it. Excessive sweat leads to foul odor, and people find it shameful when in public. It causes frustration and irritation. There are numerous reasons due to which there is excessive sweating. Many people wonder how to not get sweaty hands when holding hands but are unable to find remedies for it. This article will help you in getting rid of excessive sweat from your hands. 

Causes of excessive sweating

There are numerous reasons due to which there can be sweating on hands. We will be discussing all the causes of sweating on hands in detail in this article. 

Diabetes- Excessive sweating on hands may occur due to diabetes. If some person has a medical condition called diabetes, then there are chances to sweat more. 

Menopause- In women, conditions like menopause may lead to excessive sweating on the hands. People should not ignore excessive sweating and must consult the doctor in these conditions. 

Decrease in sugar level- Next, when the sugar level falls below the average level, excessive sweating can take place.

Thyroid- Besides this, if a person has a thyroid, then the person is more prone to excessive sweating on the hands. 

Heart attack- Heart attack also leads to excessive sweating in some persons. 

Infections- Besides, persons are prone to numerous diseases, which may cause excessive sweating on hands. 

Tips to get rid of excessive sweating on hands

There are several home remedies to treat excessive sweat, but it is advised to see a doctor if it gets serious. 

Use antiperspirants- To treat excessive sweating, the use of antiperspirants gets recommended in such cases. A person can apply the antiperspirant on the hands to reduce the wetness. For best results, one should apply the antiperspirant during night time. People should use antiperspirant at night time because, during the night, your hands will quickly absorb the antiperspirant. 

Apply baking soda- Secondly, a person can apply baking soda. It is economical also. Baking soda performs the role of a deodorant when used. Sweat quickly evaporates with the help of baking soda. Keep the baking soda on the hands for five minutes and then wash it. Baking soda will eliminate the excess sweat from the hands. 

Apple cider vinegar- A Person can use apple cider vinegar also to get rid of excess sweat. It balances the PH level of your hands, thereby removing the sweat. For best results, keep the mixture overnight and wash in the morning. 

Sage leaves- Sage leaves can get used to treat excess sweating. One can add the sage leaves to the tea and consume them. Sage leaves absorb the extra skin oil, and consequently, excessive sweating gets cured. It also eliminates the foul odor caused by sweating. 

Lemon- Lastly, lemon properties can help you get rid of the excessive sweat on the hands. Rubbing lemon juice mixed with salt on your hands can help you get over the problem of excess sweat. One can also use lemon peel to remove the sweat from the hands. 


 There are a various ways to get rid of excessive sweating. Apart from the remedies mentioned above, one can also use rose water for the purpose. Applying rose water on the hands gives you a cooling effect, thereby removing the excess sweat. People should not ignore the problem of excessive sweating as it can be severe. If unable to get rid of excessive sweating on hands, one should immediately consult a doctor. People can visit Beverly hills med spa to avail the treatment for the same. 

About the Guest Author

Naman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at https://alexandcompany.com/ .He
is an Award-Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first
successful online business.

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