5 Alternative Ways To Finance Expensive Purchases

There are a lot of expensive purchases that can make your life more enjoyable in the long run. These kinds of purchases can include major decisions like purchasing a car or investing in a home renovation. They can also include things such as taking a much-needed vacation to a place that you have always wanted to visit. Whatever the purchase you wish to make, coming up with a reliable way to finance it is often the biggest question that you will have. It can be beneficial to think outside of the box by considering some alternative ways to finance the expensive purchases that you are planning to make. There are a lot of alternative methods out there for financing a purchase and these are five of the leading ones that you should consider.

1. Look for Payment Plans with Providers 

Depending on the type of purchase you’re making, the retailer may have payment plans available. This is particularly common for furniture, white goods and more recently, travel providers. Since the financing options are tailored to the type of purchase, this can be a simple way to finance a larger purchase. Make sure to check all the terms and conditions, and find out if the finance is through the retailer directly or a third party company – you’ll want to know who you’re borrowing money from!

2. Borrow Money From Family Members

Another option that you might be able to avail of when looking for alternative ways to finance expensive purchases is to borrow the money from members of your family. If you are going to do this, it is absolutely imperative that you adhere to the agreement that you make and repay the money diligently so that you do not risk damaging your relationship with the people that mean the most to you.

3. Take Out a Cash Advance on Your Credit Card

If you have a credit card, then you might be able to take out a cash advance as yet another alternative way to finance an expensive purchase that you wish to make. It is important to remember that taking out cash advances on your credit card can be expensive. It is important to ensure that you are always paying off your balance in a timely manner so that you do not end up building up a significant amount of additional debt in interest charges.

4. The Second Job Option

A fourth alternative way that you can use to finance expensive purchases that you need to make is to simply take out a second job. You want to make sure that you do not spread yourself so thin that you end up taking on more work than you can handle, but taking on a second job for a period of time can often be a great alternative method of attaining the funding that you require to make a major purchase.

5. Take Out a Secured Loan From a Reliable Lending Provider

The fifth compelling alternative method of financing expensive purchases that you wish to make is to choose a secured loan through a reliable loan provider such as Rapid Loans. If you are approved through the application process, they can provide you with a secured loan that will allow you to make the major purchase that has been on your mind.

Reach Out to Loan Professionals Today for More Information About Financing

Reach out to the secured loan professionals at Rapid Loans today and discuss the finance options that they can offer you so that you can make that expensive purchase that you have been thinking about. Whether it is a home renovation, vehicle, or money to take that vacation that you have always wanted to go on, Rapid Loans might be able to help you out. The application process is simple and they are often able to get you a result on the same day if you are approved.

About the Guest Author – Raymond James

Ray is a sought after thought leader and an expert in financial and money management. He has been published and featured in over 50 leading sites and aims to contribute articles to help novice financial planners. One of his goals is to impart his knowledge in finance to educate and help ordinary people create and achieve their financial goals.


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