3 ways to get a Brazilian butt

According to data published by Realself.com, one of the reference sites in the United States for plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures, more than 378,000 New York women searched, in just 3 months, for information by entering these words in the search engine: ” Brazilian buttock lift “. The figures are even more interesting when compared to other states in the United States: women in the Big Apple perform this type of surgery three times more than those in Los Angeles and Miami.

But what are the possible solutions to have a perfect B-side? We have analyzed the treatments to which it is possible to undergo to achieve high and firm buttocks and as much as possible similar to those of a Brazilian.

Lifting the buttocks with lipofilling

Lifting the buttocks with lipofilling is an operation that consists of taking fat from the patient’s abdomen, hips or thighs, and then injecting it into her buttocks. The goal is to achieve rounder, firmer and fuller buttocks with larger dimensions. The lifting of the buttocks with lipofillingit is a treatment that is performed in the operating room, especially in cases where, to achieve the final result, it is necessary to prepare large quantities of adipose tissue and therefore, liposuction to carry out the removal of fat, must be carried out in several areas of the body. The procedure foresees that after having aspirated the fat from the donor part this will be treated and, only subsequently, introduced thanks to the use of very thin needles in the buttocks.

The lifting of the buttocks with lipofilling is a treatment that, in most cases, is carried out in an outpatient regime. With the use of lipofilling, no scars are expected in the post-operative period as, as mentioned, micro cannulas will be used for the grafts. After the lipofilling surgery to lift the gutei, it will be possible to return to normal daily activities within a few days. Any post-treatment pain can be controlled thanks to the use of oral medications. Doctors advise during the first week to limit walking, sporting activities and efforts in general.

But the lifting of the buttocks through lipofilling is not the only solution to be able to have the desired curves. There are in fact other treatments that can give the same result. Although fat transfer to hips is the best way to go.

Lifting the buttocks with the suspension wires

Another cosmetic surgery treatment, able to offer results similar to the buttock lifting with lipofilling is the permanent lifting of the buttocks through the use of suspension threads . It is an optimal solution for all those women who want a high and firm B-side and who do not want to resort to the more invasive surgery of gluteoplasty with prostheses.. The suspension wires are made with hypoallergenic material. The cosmetic surgery treatment involves placing them by the doctor inside the muscle tissue, lifting it, and thus giving a firmer appearance to the patient’s lower back. With this treatment you will therefore have, with a fairly simple path and free of contraindications, a pleasant lifting effect on the buttocks. However, it will not be possible to increase the size of the buttock through the use of suspension wires. It is a fairly simple operation that is performed under local anesthesia with sedation, it only involves a tiny incision to insert the thread which will then be closed at the end of the treatment with sutures.

Gluteoplasty with implants

Increasing the size of the buttocks may be possible through cosmetic surgery that involves the introduction of prostheses inside the patient’s buttock. When the desire is to have full buttocks but the starting situation presents a very flat butt, both in men and women, it is necessary to use gluteoplasty surgery with the insertion of prostheses. The basic procedure is similar to the one that surgeons perform for breast augmentation, even the implants used for gluteoplasty are made with the same material as those used for breast augmentation. Surgery for buttock augmentation with prosthesis insertion usually takes one to two hours and requires general anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision into which he then inserts the prosthesis. This is an operation that requires skill and precision on the part of the specialist, so as to be able to avoid any bleeding and above all to be able to have a result as close to perfection as possible with asymmetry of the prostheses. Most of the time, drains are applied during osteoplasty operations with the insertion of prostheses. Post-surgery, the patient undergoes antibiotic therapy and, for pain management, he is given analgesics. Gluteoplasty surgery with prosthesis insertion is usually performed in the clinic and provides for hospitalization in the same for at least one night.

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