Things to include in a blog post for better SEO

SEO is not a one-day game. You have to work on it almost every day. For Search engine optimization you don’t need any degree or specialized training. It can be achieved through simple tricks and by following some well-guided path. You can also write a perfect blog post for better SEO in minutes.

When I was new I used to post randomly. Means I was throwing random articles on my blog without noticing whether the post is Optimized for search engines or not. And what I realize after doing such mistakes was that my journey was getting difficult with my Blog. So today I am mentioning some of the best SEO tricks that you should include on your next blog posts to optimize your blog posts for better SEO and in a better way than before.

Tips to write blog post for better SEO

These tips are pretty basic tips but are more powerful for SEO optimizations. Follow the guide below before writing another post on your blog.

#Tip 1: Post’s title and heading related trick for better SEO

The first thing you should consider is giving a proper title. Make sure your title is not too long nor too short. If you are using WordPress then you must install Yoast SEO plugin that will check the title length and notify you automatically.   Also remember that the title of your post should contain the word or phrase you want the search engines to notice and rank your post. For example: In this article or post, the title is “Things to include in a blog post for better SEO“. So here I want Google to rank this post for keyword “Blog post for better SEO“. So if anyone searches Google for this keyword this post may come at top of the search results.

#Tip 2: Post’s main body related trick for better SEO

  You can also see that I am breaking the posts into small paragraphs. In this way, you are allowing the user to understand the post properly. You can also give the important point in the bullet list. At first, you should consider finding and researching all the details of your post and structure your blog post accordingly. For example: In this post, I gave a short introduction at start. Then I wrote the main body and I concluded the post at the end.

Also read: How to Do Competitive Analysis for SEO

Introduction, Main body and then Conclusion, this is how many blogger format their post. And you should consider doing so. Post body also includes many other things then texts. Images are common and everybody uses images. Consider giving proper alt tag to your images. You can also consider adding videos, podcasts, info graphic and other visual contents to your post to make the post interesting.   I told you about the keyword to use in the title. You should also use the keyword inside your main body of your post. For example I used the keyword “Blog post for better SEO” many times in this post to rank it better in search result.

  As you see above that I linked one of my previous blog post in my main body. You should also link your previous relevant posts inside the main body. If there are other external links include them too. You must also nofollow the external link if you don’t want search engines to rank that link too.

If you are using Blogger platform then you should know “How to write SEO optimized post on blogger using Yoast plugin

#Tip 3: Other things to consider for better SEO

  There are labels, tags, and categories on your blog post, use them appropriately.  If you are using the WordPress Yoast plugin then give a proper search description. On the Blogger platform you can give the description easily from the post editor.

A search description is shown in the search engines when your post is shown in the search result.   Now the URL or permalink of your blog post should also be optimized for SEO. So firstly check the URL of your post and see that the keyword you are ranking for is included in the URL. Like in this post the keyword “Blog post for better SEO” is included in the URL. You can see the URL in the browser address bar.

 To change the URL in WordPress use the Permalink option given just below the post title in the post editor of WordPress. For the blogger platform, you can use the Custom Permalink option under the Links.

There are many free SEO services that you can use for better results. These services help you with keywords research, keyword ranking, and many other SEO-related things. At last, you must conclude your post and you can also ask the readers to share that post and comment on your post if they have any questions or suggestions. See my conclusion of this post below.

Note: Don’t ever be frustrated and copy the post of the other blogs. This may damage your SEO. Also make sure that the image you use on your post, don’t have any copyright issues. Ask permission from the owner of the image before using it on your blog. And always consider giving credits to all the images you don’t own.


All the above tips and tricks are simple yet powerful SEO tricks. You have learned how to write a good blog post for better SEO without much hassle. There are more such tips out there. Search them on Google. But I think the above tips are summarized in the best possible way. You should start using these tips to see the improvements day by day.  

At last I would like to Thank you for reading this post. Hope you enjoyed this post. If you have more such tips share them with others below using the comment section. And if you think these tips are good enough then share this post with your friends in your circle. 

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