15 Blogging Mistakes That Every Newbie Bloggers Do And How To Fix It – Infographic

Any newbie who is willing to earn money online, sooner or later concludes that a website of one`s own or a blog is required. However, one thing is to start a blog while the other is to do it right and develop it.

1. Bad and terrible headlines. 

A headline of your article is a key factor defining the success of your article. If the headline is no good, no one is going to read the article, no one is to leave comments, which is terrible. A headline should reflect the sense of a post, it should be specific, unique and on the front burner. The following headlines are good examples:

 Also read: 4 Best Blogging Habits to Cultivate for Better Productivity

2. No headline filling and pages description. 

It primarily affects promotion in search engines. Because the best visitors come namely from search engines such as Google. If you have a blog on WordPress, use the All-in-One SEO pack plugin. This plugin allows at the bottom of a post, in the control panel, write down a name and a page`s description. By the way, Google reflects the TITLE and DESCRIPTION contents of a page in search results.

3. Long in length posts.

There is no need for writing long posts. People do not read such posts to the end oftentimes and you are not receiving any comments as a result. And this makes it to where you lose a chance to communicate with your audience.

4. Turning into advertising space. 

Majority of newbies who do whatever they can to earn online make this mistake. This is why their blogs look like a Christmas tree, all full of advertising banners. Have mercy for your visitors if you care about them!!!

5. Writing new posts more rarely than once a month. 

Frankly speaking, it is bad manners of keeping a blog. Despite your being busy, write often. If you publish an article more rarely than once a month, it is as if you were not writing at all. The more often you create new content, the more traffic you get. The more often search robots visit your blog and this impact directly on search engine results. Besides visitors will always remember you.

Also read: How to Increase Your Blogging Productivity

6. Using too many plugins. 

As a result, your blog becomes «heavy» and blocky. It leads to big loads on hosting and often refusals. And this is the first instance is to have an impact on your visitors.

7. Your absence in social networks. 

Earlier, in order to have a dialogue with your readers, it was enough to keep a blog. Everything changes today. Now, one can use social platforms for spreading your content, which leads to the number of your readers to increase.

8. No call-in to leave comments. 

If there are no comments, it is going to be hard for you to find out what readers think of your content. The main reason why there is no comment is no call-in to leave a comment. Leave such a call-in at the bottom of your articles, for example: What ways of promotion do you use, etc.

9. Non-issue articles.

Everything is simple here if you write only what is interesting for you but not your audience, your article is going to fail. It will lead to the fact of you and only you to keep reading your blog.

10. To write so that it is done. 

It is even worse than not to write at all. There has to be a clear purpose of your blog. Try to write in accordance with your blog`/website`s subject. A personal blog may be an exception only reflecting your activity in the real world.

Also read: 5 Worst Bad Blogging Habits of Bloggers – Kick them right now

11. Thievery. 

It is even worse (the worst, what might happen to a blog) to copy past someone else`s content. Let us not attempt to reinvent the wheel. Everything is written here and it looks good. There is one recommendation only – write by yourself.

12. Write for the sake of yourself only

Write for the sake of yourself only, without knowing what is interesting for your audience. It is better to write a book in that case or stories. There is going to be more good than harm. Write not what is interesting for a company`s director but what is interesting for potential customers, selection of topics for blog articles should be provided on the basis of key requests selection.

Below is a Video that will help you with write viral content.

13. Blog and the main services of your company exist separately. 

You do not understand how it is possible to promote the main pages of the website by means of a blog. It will lead to the fact that you jump to a conclusion that writing blog articles are a waste of time.

14. Being afraid or shy to show one`s photos to readers.

Some blogs do not even have About page, which is wrong. A photo will significantly increase trust to a blogger.

15. Writing snobbish banalities. 

If a blogger publishes up-front banalities, readers got an impression that it all was written for fools. Who else can be impressed with such pearls of wisdom as:

  • Follow your dreams!
  • Every breath should be priceless!
  • It is better to be rich, young and healthy than poor, old and sick!
  • Really? Who would have thought of it?

It is better to keep silence if there is nothing to say. Or, better still be a specialist in one`s area and write on business.

Avoid the most common blogging mistakes – Infographic

Starting a new blog and turning it into a self-sustaining business can be quite an ordeal. It takes more than good writing skills to run a successful blog. This fact often scares beginners off, especially after they make the first few common blogging mistakes and realize there is lots of stuff they will have to think about if they intend to run a successful blog. This realization makes a lot of people give up on blogging and seek their fortune elsewhere.

For example, with all the talk about the importance of SEO lots of beginners forget that readers are the most important when it comes to blogging. If your blog posts prioritize search engines instead of your readers your blog will probably be ignored. After your blog is ignored for some time it is quite likely that you will quit blogging.

Another common blogging mistake is to completely ignore SEO. After all, the most likely place new readers are going to find your blog at is one of the search engines. If the metadata of your blog doesn’t tell those search engines what your blog is about, it will be discovered by the wrong people who aren’t going to stay there for long.

If you already made some of the common blogging mistakes it doesn’t mean that your blog will be ruined or that you are not suited to be a blogger. Mistakes you make are an opportunity for growth and learning. In addition, it is quite unlikely that a mistake you made is unfixable. This infographic will show you the most common blogging mistakes that happen and easy ways to fix or completely avoid those mistakes.

 The most common blogging mistakes – Infographic

| About the Guest Author:

Melisa Marzett has always thought that she is capable of expressing her thoughts on paper. She has always liked reading and getting to know new things. Currently, writing http://skywritingservice.com/, she keeps making herself better in writing and expressing what she tries to say because the sky is the limit!

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