Losing weight can improve both your health and confidence. Unfortunately, losing weight can be challenging, no matter how active you are. In addition to the recommended diet and exercise, there are a variety of other factors that affect your ability to lose weight. While you can’t change your genetics, you can make simple changes and use these tips to help lose weight fast.
1. Strength Training
While cardio gets all of the glory for helping you burn fat, strength training can also help you lose weight while building muscle mass and increasing your strength. While gaining muscle doesn’t necessarily equate to losing weight, it can help you burn fat. Strength training is something most people avoid because they do not want to become ‘bulky’ however, strength training is one of the best ways to easily burn fat and quickly gain muscle without looking bulky.
Strength training can help reduce visceral fat for improved health. It provides even more benefits when paired with cardio. Need some inspiration for your next workout? Check out these fitness influencers.
2. Eat More Protein
Protein can help curb your appetite and reduce fat. If you don’t eat enough protein, you may find yourself with cravings during the day or at night because you don’t feel full even though you’ve had your recommended number of calories for the day. Try to add high protein food like chicken, beef, and fish to your diet so you can feel fuller after your meals.
3.Get More Sleep
Sleeping more can help you increase your body’s ability to burn fat, ultimately helping prevent weight gain. While you shouldn’t get more sleep than necessary, you should aim to get enough sleep each night. So if you’re only sleeping around six hours a night, try aiming for a full eight hours of quality sleep instead by setting your alarm a little later and/or going to bed earlier.
4. Eat Healthy Fats
Not all fat in food is bad for you. Increasing your intake of healthy fats can help you lose weight and feel full throughout the day. In addition, healthy fats take longer to digest than unhealthy fats, which can help you feel fuller for longer, reducing your appetite and cravings for food or sweets. Examples of healthy fat include olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, and nuts.
Keep in mind that healthy fat still has calories, so make sure you moderate your consumption and stick to your recommended daily calories. Instead of aiming to add healthy fat to your diet, try replacing unhealthy fat with healthy fat.
5.Cut Out Sugary Drinks
If you reach for soda in the afternoon, you could be contributing to your weight gain. Instead of having drinks filled with sugar, try something a little bit healthier. For example, if you like soda for its fizziness, try reaching for a can of soda water instead.
If you rely on sugary drinks to get you through the day, try drinking more water. Water can keep you feeling full and satisfied so you won’t feel the need to reach for a soda can. Other healthy drinks include unsweetened tea and sugar-free drinks.
6. Eat More Fiber
Similar to protein, fiber can help you feel fuller for longer. It absorbs water and helps waste move through your digestive tract. A few examples of foods high in fiber are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts.
7. Reduce Refined Carbs
Refined carbs are low in nutrients while remaining high in calories. Examples of refined carbs include pastries, processed foods, pasta, white bread, and cereals. Try replacing these food products with whole wheat and oats.
8. Consider Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting is a diet that consists of eating and fasting in a pattern. It involves regular short-term fasts. There are several different types of intermittent fasting methods, including:
Alternate day: Alternate-day fasting allows you to eat normally on one day and fast on the next.
16/8: The 16/8 method allows you to eat all of your meals during an 8-hour window and fast for 16 hours after your last meal.
5:2: The 5:2 method allows you to eat five days a week and only fast for two.
Depending on the plan, you will likely not be fasting on any of these days completely. Fast days often consist of eating fewer calories than you do on non-fasting days.
While many people have found weight loss success with intermittent fasting, it is only something that should be done after being discussed with your doctor. In addition, certain aspects of your health may affect whether or not it’s healthy for you to drastically reduce your calorie intake for any period. For example, if you experience low blood sugar, fasting might not be for you.
9. Track Everything
Make sure to track all of your efforts so you can see your progress. Once you reach one goal, you’ll be more motivated to keep going and achieve all of your weight loss goals. Not only that but tracking your calorie intake and exercise can help you easily monitor yourself.
For example, many people who diet simply estimate how many calories they are consuming. By estimating, you may run the risk of underestimating your calorie intake and overestimating how many calories are burned through exercise. When you don’t track everything, you could be gaining weight and not know why.
10. Eat Slowly
Oftentimes we eat too much too quickly because we’re hungry. When we do that, we run the risk of overeating and feeling uncomfortable after a large meal. When you eat slowly, you allow yourself to notice how your body is feeling. For example, if you begin getting full, you’ll know to put the fork down.
If you eat too quickly, you don’t give your body enough time for it to tell you that you’re full, which means you might overeat. Instead of eating in front of the tv or at your desk at work, try eating more mindfully by paying attention to your food and avoiding distractions.
11. Work with a Doctor
Losing weight can be difficult without support. If you want to start losing weight, talk to a weight loss doctor who can help you come up with a plan. Your doctor can also prescribe weight loss medication that can assist your body burn fat while reducing your appetite.
12. Manage Your Stress
When you’re feeling stressed, your body releases adrenaline and cortisol. When you’re under constant stress, cortisol can remain in your bloodstream and increase your appetite. This is why many people eat more food when they’re stressed versus when they aren’t.
Not only that, but cortisol sends a signal to your body to replenish its stores from carbohydrates, which transports sugar from carbs into the muscles and brain. If your body doesn’t use this sugar, your body will then store it as fat.
One of the best ways to reduce stress is getting exercise, which can help you lose weight. The next time you’re feeling stressed, take a relaxing walk so you can feel calm and burn some additional calories.
About the Guest Author : – Marné Amoguis
Marné Amoguis holds a B.A. in International Business from UC San Diego. She is a contributing writer at 365businesstips.com where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing. Outside of writing, she loves traveling, playing music, and hiking.